Hello everyone I'd like to know what are the recommended leeching locations from level 20 and until 105 (with a Bishop) ? Right now my new character is level 21, and im leeching it at Bubblings. I'm planning on moving to Brown Teddies once I'm level 25. Where should I go afterwards ? (Note: I have to leech myself, atm this character has only base int) Thank you.
25-35 - Brown Teddies 35-43 - Lupins/Zombie Lupins @ Monkey Forest II 43-58 - Wraiths 58-63 - Slimys 63-75 - Mr. Anchors 75-80 (85) - Wolf Spiders 80-90 - Gobies 85-90 - Ulu Estate I 90-93 (100/105) - Ulu Estate II 93-100 (105) - Squids/Rissel Squids 97-105 - Sharks/Cold Sharks 100-105 - Montrecers Most are somewhat obvious, but Sharks are really nice at level 97+.
Bubblings → Wild Boars → Teddies → Chronos → Platoon Chronos → Wraiths/Master Chronos (slows down slightly here) → Slimies (slows down nearing Lvl75) → Wolf Spiders → Ulu 1 mobs → Ulu 2 mobs