Notice Regarding hate speech and political propaganda

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Tim, Oct 15, 2023.

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  1. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Hello Maplers,

    We would like to take a moment to address a pressing issue that has recently come to our attention - the spread of hate speech and political propaganda within our community. In light of the events involving the parties in the eastern Mediterranean region, we want to emphasize our commitment to maintaining a respectful and welcoming environment for all players.

    We take pride in being a diverse and inclusive community. Our guidelines have always emphasized the importance of treating each other with respect and refraining from engaging in any form of hate speech or harassment. We want to reiterate our stance on this matter and remind everyone that we make no exception of our "Objectionable Behavior" clause within the game rules:

    Objectionable Behavior - The act of insulting, threatening, or harassing other players or Staff, or engaging in speech that is vulgar, defamatory, obscene, hateful, discriminatory, or derogatory on the basis of personal identity - including, but not limited to, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and national origin - irrespective of the language used. Additionally, the act of "spamming" or "flooding" with chat or skills, or any other action that is excessively disruptive to the individuals around you, as well as transmitting any sort of content that is inappropriate, sexually explicit, or privately owned.

    We understand that global events can elicit strong emotions and opinions. However, our community is a place for entertainment, fun, and friendship. We request that all members refrain from engaging in any form of hate speech or propaganda that may hurt or offend fellow community members which in turn may make them retaliate.

    Let's remember that for a lot of players, MapleRoyals is a sanctuary from the chaos of the real world, where we come together to enjoy the game and build positive relationships.

    We encourage everyone to report any instances of objectionable behavior or content to our moderation team through the designated forum channels. We take these reports seriously, and appropriate action will be taken to ensure MapleRoyals remains a safe and enjoyable place for all.

    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

    MapleRoyals Staff
    TN Laxus, lozy, Punk and 66 others like this.
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