Why was Removal of warp-to-FM button functionality locked? Did a staff member not just say that How patronizing. Locking a feedback thread in general is very off-putting. I know a number of people, myself included, that were intending on making more comments (even one person who was in the midst of writing a reply when the thread was locked). I don't have the time to write out an in-depth post right now, but here are some posts from my friends that I was intending on organizing together and refining: "@ your feedback thread: that was a decision Matt made which none of the gms have publicly supported, and Matt made this decision based on the fact that he believes the server has become large enough that he can do whatever he wants without it dying" "Oh yeah I know that; I posted another reply saying that Kibb and I should both know that by "staff" I meant Matt specifically because I know a number of GMs that disagree with mandatory boat rides and FM warp removal but in the end it's Matt's server, his visions, his decisions. I also called Kibb a TemuTemuTemuTemu at the end of the post though so I deleted it Basically every staff member I know disagrees with a bunch of Matt's decisions but they don't go out saying "hey players I'm special and see where you're coming from" It'd be different if he had said "a number of GMs have opposed Matt's decisions just like you guys" instead of just being like "I have disagreed too" and throwing everyone else under the bus" "Matt is doing whatever he wants And that it shouldn't be the case Because even tho it's his server He owes to the players Because the players make the server what it is Yeah he can do whatever he wants but if there was no one around there would be no point in having a server" "this "the point of a private server is the goal of the ownership team that runs the server and nobody else's. That ownership group, on this server, is one individual who will guide the server to where he thinks it should be, because this server is his child and nobody else's" sounds like a dictatorship" "a lot of gms were against matt releasing the new source early, they were in heavy disagreement because they knew it wasn't gonna be functional but matt decided to ignore them and release it anyways" "the worst part about this whole thing is that it could've been prevented, most of the staffs were vocal about not releasing the new source early, right now it's not even close to what matt promised" Is this thread going to be locked also? "I was gonna write a in depth post on your thread but I guess I'll have to make another thread lol"
Sorry to tell you this - but the hell, you are annoying. Just chill, live how it is. If not, door is not locked, you can always go. Take a chill pill and live real life.
I think fighting for what you believe is actually admirable. I know the comparison is too big but imagine people who changed history, being discouraged by the words "Live how it is" lol.
Yes, this thread will be locked again, because I fail to see how anything in your post has to do with the removal of the FM warp button. It has to do with the way that staff's internal affairs are being run, and it also potentially a reflection on what I've done in attempt to respond to this whole situation. As for why the initial thread was locked - I spoke with Sila and decided that the best course of action was to close the thread, as I did not see very much new being provided to the thread that actually had to do with the FM warp button, and this new thread you've made has only come to prove my point. And lastly, fighting for what you believe in is admirable. That's why I read feedback threads.