Currently, toad drops the level 103 elemental staves and 130 wands. The 163 staves are an actual endgame weapon (sure they're very niche, but so are things like some level 110 overalls that drop from NT bosses). I don't think people will want them diluting the drop pools of other bosses or LHC gacha (which has Sky Ski and all lvl. 130 wands...), so why not add them to Toad which isn't hunted for drops anyway?
While this is an understandable request, by itself, it will be far from fixing toads popularity, toad is not an easy boss to run solo duo or even trio by any means, it is a higher level krex, a way harder krex, while it is stationary like krex, it does way more damage(16k, which means that in most cases you have to be washed) and requires way more resources and time and it does not compensate accordingly. This will be a good start but in addittion to that, toad has to be buffed more significantly in other ways to become popular, which would be cool to see, having multiple popular and comparably viable high level bossing options for more diversity means more fun. As an example, make it a a bit harder but even more rewarding, make it be if not on par with auf and ht, close to them.
I agree the main motivations for running toad nowadays are Olaf and EXP after being done with LHC; your suggestions are good, but that is for another thread. My main point was to suggest an extra source for elemental staves, some of which are exclusive to unpopular gachapon machines, since people would protest if they were added to profitable bosses, LHC gacha or CWK.
Like I said, I agreed with your suggestion and your point is solid, I hope it will be implemented but can this thread not be used as an opportunity to shed some light into more feedback regarding toad? I don’t see how I went off topic there.