Hi, I was a player on the server for about a year throuout 2015, where I joined a guild run by @Tommy and Bluckbluck, who refered me to a game in development called tree of savior, where i got involved with the ingame community and then was involved in events involving persons from the internet outside of the ingame community. If possible, any GM can direct me to these two players, one of which is seemingly active still, so that i may ask them about the events that started to occur around me during the time i was playing tree of savior. I am asking here because as these events started to develop, i was contacted by the two players i mentioned above and was hoping i could reestablish communications with them in hopes of discussing the events that occured around me during the past few years.
As the Staff are unable to reveal players identity such as who owns which IGN, will be shifting this from [Forum & Website] to [General Discussion] for more awareness