Official MapleRoyals Meetsups 'Round the World Lets organise fun things ~ One of my favourite threads on the forums is Maplestory friends in real life because I love meeting all of you all so much and for (so long now) I've wanted to make official set meet ups for everyone in different locations around the world for whoever is interested. So for example, I live in London and sometimes go out to see other Royallers from around here and I'd love to make it an official thing where I'd post the location and date here and then anyone who is interested can join us, instead of just the group of friends I already know I've already met 15 people off here so far and I would love to meet so many more (since you have all been so freaking great)! Europe Spoiler: Netherlands @Aly @Eika @Endlessly @Dimitri Spoiler: London, UK @Aly @Stan @Ch0rus @Elainey @maggles @Maffoo @Moo @Matt Spoiler: Edinburgh @bassoine Spoiler: Sweden @Pusskramhaj @Eika US & Canada Spoiler: West Coast @Plenty @Goofy (only is illuminate comes) @hate @Jeen @mystercool @Filled @Gossamer Spoiler: Florida / Southern USA @Lyrium @NMNA @Juni @Romina @Gangsta Spoiler: NYC / NJ @John @Kivin @Christine @Spooky Business @Penny Spoiler: Chicago @iCeci @Swag Spoiler: Detroit @txxkim Spoiler: Canadia, Toronto / Waterloo Area @Tawm @Shepherd Spoiler: Canadia, Atlanta @Royalty Australia Spoiler: Australia @Pando Spoiler: Brisbane @Bella @Cavemanohyea Spoiler: Victoria @BrittyKitty Korea Spoiler: Korea @Kivin Singapore Spoiler: Singapore @Raiyan @lastquiincy Malaysia Spoiler: Kuala Lumpur @Toothpaste So, if you're interested post where you are / where you could come see people and I'll add you to the list of interested people. I suppose once we have a good amount of people interested we can pick a date and location (perhaps on Skype with all the people tagged in that location). <3
Interesting. I could be interested. Canada - but it's a big place. Waterloo area anyone? I'll be pretty busy, if I'm lucky, but we'll see.
@Elainey @Aly @AdamBrone @Maffoo @itsKate @Matt @Aeia @AccelRose @iykguil @Saxa @Zoeyy London anyone else?
I'd love to meet my maple buddies I've already met 4 of them in person!! I'm from Australia and currently on holidays till February