117 clean dragon faltizan s/b 1.6b a/w 2.1b 0/0/5/4 ROA s/b 2.1b a/w 2.6b Also feel free to check my store at 13-1 and 1-8, lots of scrolled items. Accept ws & cs for 510m, b coin ( buyer cover tax) Selling in 1 week from last offer Spoiler: Sold Items 110 clean kanzir s/b 14b c/o 14b by AniBucc in game a/w 16b sold to AniChad for 14b 9/4 scg S/B 5.55B A/W 6.05B or 17wa SCG A/W 6.25B I will add free 100% event gloves att scroll (+2wa ea) on it if you buy as 17 SCG A/W 6.25B sold for 6.25b 149 dragon claymore S/b 29b C/O 29b by @kori133 A/W 33b sold to @kori133 for 29b 174 4 slot wand 7 ( 190 guarantee) s/b 3b a/w 3.5b c/o 3b by @Kiro Sold to @Kiro for 3b 7/5 VL shoes s/b 6b a/w 8b Sold in game for 5b to JayLun 99att 4 slot kc s/b 8.5b c/o 8.5 in game by SkyscrimShad a/w 11b sold for 78malong for 9b 13/80 rc S/b 3.5 c/o 3.5b in game by LuigiPunch a/w 4b sold for LuigiPunch for 3.5b 94/5 KC s/b4b c/o 4.2b in game by Murisk a/w 5b sold for 4.2b for Murisk 3/4/1/1 roa c/o 1.5b in game s/b 2.1b sold in game for 1.9b 4/7 3slot goggles s/b 2.5b a.w 4b I scroll it, and become 12/9 10/31 4 slot blue armis s/b 1b a/w 1.1b sold for 1.1b in game 120 4 slot ST s/b 1.2b a/w 1.33b sold for 1.2b in game 120 3 slot white nisrock s/b 1.1b a/w 1.2b sold for 1.22b in game 9att 3 slot green mittens s/b 1.04b a/w 1.1b sold for 1.1b in game 14 Att VL shoes s/b 15b C/o 15.5b by @nut in game a/w 17.5b sold to @nut for 16b 11/0 FS s/b 6.2b c/o 6.3b by @Yusei a/w 7b sold for 6.5b in-game S/b 3.2b c/o 3.2b by @Kristya A/W 4.5b sold for @Kristya for 3.2b 9ATT 4 Slot BFC S/B 3.5b A/W 4.5b pass one more cs, become 13/3, trade for 16/0 9/39 2 slot Blue arzuna s/b 1.8b a/w 2.4b Sold for 200m in game 9/29 6 slot Thief(m) lvl 100 OA s/b 1.5b a/w 2.1b Scroll one more 30, transfer to 9/34 5 Slot, and scroll 60 % on it , only pass 2 it become 9/38 sold for 350m in game 104KC S/B 1.2b A/W 1.3b sold for 1b in game 18/134 1 slot Purple surfboard s/b 2.5b a/w 5b sold for 2b for @Snurf 10/8 clean Dark Lucida Skirt s/b 180m a/w 220m sold for 210m in game 17 BFC s/b 17.5b c/o 18.2b by @Klopp a/w 19b Selling in 72hour from last offer Need to sell this, my old partner QQ, to buy 18cape. Sold to @Klopp by 18.6b 33/6 White Calaf s/b 950m a/w 1.1b sold for 915m in game 31 att Dragon Khanjar s/b 850m a/w 950m sold for 800m in game 10/30 6slot Blue Arzuna s/b 2b a/w 2.1b sold for 2b in game 7 att bfc s/b 450m a/w 550m Sold for 390m in game 5att 3 slot FS s/b 1.1b a/w 1.3b sold at 1.25b in game. 20 STR 3 slot Talking Witch hat s/b 150m a/w 200m I finished it, and it became 25str, sold at 350m in game. 0/6/0/0 ROA s/b 1.7b a/w 1.9b Sold for 2b in game 12att 0 slot VL shoes s/b 8.5b c/o 81cs + 1b (9.1b) b7 @PhantomShiv a/w 9.5b Sold to @PhantomShiv for 9.55b 16/127 0 slot ST s/b 800m a/w 900m Sold in game for 900m 9/120 4 slot ST s/b 1.1b a/w 1.25b Sold in game for 1.2b 16 att BFC s/b 14b c/o 14.5b by @justintng50 a/w 15b Sold for 14.5b for @justintng50 13/10 Blue dragon armor ( warrior 110 oa) s/b 700m a/w 900m Sold in game for 500m 9/121 4 slot ST s/b 1.8b a/w 1.9b sold in game for 1.85b 181 2 slot wand 5 s/b 1.5b a/w 1.6b I finish it, become 189 wand 5 Sold for 1.7b in game 25/7 6 slot White Pioneer s/b 800m a/w 900m Boomed 12/120 3slot GDK s/b 1.05b a/w 1.2b sold for 1b in game 12/125 ST s/b 450m a/w 500m sold for 500m in game 12/124 3slot ST s/b 2b a/w 2.14b sold for 2.1b in game 13FS s/b 12b c/o 12.1b by @love755043 a/w 13b Sold to @love755043 for 12.1b 14 FS s/b 15.5b c/o 15.5b by @Meconium a/w 17b sold to Meconium for 15.5b 10/43 0 slot Blue arzuna ( lvl 100 BM(male) OA) c/o 2b c/o 2.2b by @Ario a/w 3b sold to @Ario for 2.2b [/USER]