General 34 dex 24 acc goby bathrobe 950m 15 SCG 2b Warrior 8/18 female pants 250m Thief 12/124 Kanzir 500m 20/4 pirate pants (f) 400m 20/8 osfa pants (f) s/b 900m a/w 1.2b 21/6 pirate pants (m) 450m 19/9 pirate pants (m) 450m Pirate 6/93 (83 +2) KC 1.2b 34/4 white pioneer 680m Int Tma 154 wand 7 500m 18 int washing YAC 700m Many more items at shop CC1 Room 3 Bids will last for 48 hours I reserve the right to withhold or not sell the items under any circumstances Spoiler: SOLD 8/20 warrior skirt SOLD in game 18/129 ST 1.9b SOLD for 2WS + 750m 26/8 top 9/14 bottom Selling as a set SOLD in game 6/21 warrior skirt 300m SOLD in game 22/8 osfa pants (f) 950m by HuaMeiLee SOLD 19/6 pirate pants (f) 400m GodAngry SOLD 18/128 Kanzir 1.9b SOLD 7wa FS 2.3b SOLD
Hi! Whats your ign and online timing? Update: Hi, was waiting for your reply for 1 day and decided to sell in game. thank you.