Hello Don't think there were ever 17/4 shoes made on the server but now's your chance to make that & also beat that pesky 29 att sock for the #1 shoe in game. I lost 30b+ recently CS-ing this xmas so this was my hail mary lmao got the +4 tho luckily low s/b It's an above-perfect shoe compared to FS/redsock (12/3 for FS is max, 11/5 is max for Red Christmas sock) and is 1 off perfect best-in-game potential (13/5 VL shoe from 8/6 perfect). Bought 8/6 for 11b (SAMURAItaro's threads) and hit +4, with video as well if any1 wants to see it. 0/1 failed CS+WS and then 1/2 passed on 2nd CS+WS Gonna do another slot over weekend unless I can get a bid for it over the next few days. Will close thread if no bids by the weekend I'm valuing it based on the fact that buying an 8/6 (best shoe in-game) and hitting +4 should be worth at least 3-4x++ what I paid to take a try at it. Even an average run on these final 5 slots is ez profit for those who dare Accepting 17-18 att shoes for straight trades too (ik 5 slots is a lot but the potential bruh) EDIT 2/2/2024: did another slot its now 14/4 offer me
do you accept perf concerto? I just bought it for 20b. If so, I can s/b will need some time to liquidate too retracted offer as I think it’s overpriced after further consideration
I don't play sair or have plans to so I'll have to pass on the concerto offer (buff NL ty staff hehe) Also how long would liquidation take? Don't wanna wait weeks this is the shoe im wearing on my feet bumping for more offers prioritization is: 17 att shoe (slight topup) or 18 att shoes str8 up (autowin) perfect swords/daggers bcoin straight cs/ws (500m each as of 1/31/2024) Willing to listen/entertain to most offers at fair/decent valuations just ask me via PM or whisper in-game. Ignoring lowballers, I think I'll get a legit s/b stay tuned tho Get your shoe that's ABOVE a perfect semi-finished red sock / facestompers now gogo offer me
Did another slot under peer pressure from my friends + lack of bids -_____-' no longer above perfect but still tons of potential here +2'd it so I'm valuing it more new s/b: 48b or 18 att shoes equivalent a/w: TBD but send me offers. I can top up if needed