Spoiler s/b 50b a/w 62b The chaosing value of 16/2 shoes is 59.6b. I personally would expect to sell at ~55b. Two partners may wanna sell at a lower price, and I am ok with that if they both vote yes. Could do a chain bidding if you are offering gears. For reference: Shoes 19: 70b, 18: 52.8b, 17: 39.8b, 16: 30b, 15: 22.6b, 14: 17b, 13: 12.9b Cape: 22: 80.5b, 21: 60.2b, 20: 45b, 19: 33.6b, 18: 25.1b, 17: 18.8b, 16: 14b, 15: 10.5b Gloves: 25: 115b, 24: 60b, 23: 41b, 22: 27b, 21: 21b, 20: 17b