White Nisrocks can be found in my store, Store location Ch 1 FM 15 top mid Adjusted prices S>21 luk Ifia's Earring S/B 4B 4.5B A/W 4.5B 5B Accpeting 4 MTK to meet S/B S>First Love Chat Ring S/B 110M 120M A/W 130M 145M Perfect White Nisrock 105 ATT 7 Avoid! 244M Perfect White Nisrock 105 ATT 224M White Nisrock 104 ATT 2 Avoid 84M S>Santa Girl Overall(F) Straight sale 80M - Sold Accepting: =500M =500M Magic Throwing Knives =
Sure we can trade in 11 hours(work) when I get home. If no other bids by we trade, its yours for 140m! Whats your ign?
My IGN is SinCin but I think in 11 hours from now I will be at work. Seems like we're in different time zones. I'm normally home at around 01:00 - 02:00 server time.