s/b : 500m c/o : 1ws+250m by Hournullity a/w : 750m or 2 ws + 100m sold 1ws+250m for Hournullity s/b : 200m c/o : - a/w : 300m sold with A/W
it was 20 hours from the time i post my bid to your reply and another 20+ hours from the time of your reply to Hournulity's reply are you gonna honour your sale?
All events listed below are in chronological order and according to my time, +8 GMT: 1. I posted a bid equivalent to your S/B, at or around 9pm Monday, 24/10/16. 2. You accepted the bid at or around 5pm Tuesday, 25/10/16, at the same time self imposing a 6 hours window till bid closed. 3. Upon closure, you pm-ed me at or around 1am Wednesday, 26/10/16 (today). 4. I replied at 6pm, after office hours which was perfectly logical. Between this period, you somehow reopened the sale to another person. Even after I replied you regarding the sale, you tried to push the blame back to me for not replying fast enough (honestly, I do not play this day in day out without a life like some). In conclusion, if you do not want to honor you sale, there's nothing I could do. All the best with your bad behaviour. I rest my case.