Equips S> 28 INT Bathrobe 0slots (M) C/O 4 CS - thatgirl A/W 2b **NEW S>11 Att wg 0 slots 95m **NEW S> 10 Att wg 0 slots 60m **NEW S> 9 DEX Single earrings 0slots 35m **NEW S> 7 DEX 10 accuracy 0 slots SAD MASK s/b 370m a/w 500m **NEW i take CS = 420M WS =350M Scrolls *Once an item has obtained a c/o, the item will be sold 72 hours after first c/o. However I reserve the right not to sell the item if the offer does not meet my expectations. **MY TIMEZONE IS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, however majority of the time i will be in school/work so you're encouraged to leave a message and I'll see it in my email inbox. feel free to whisper me ig if i'm on (don't add me): KodakBiack <- IT'S AN I NOT L