30 str/22 dex Blue Armis still available s/b: 2.5b a/w: 4b Chee tagged Yellow Robot Chair sb 2b aw 3b Obo plz offer Spoiler: SOLD STUFF 125wa nisrock 700m straight sale SOLD TMA 186 Elemental Wand 6 1.4b straight sale SOLD c/o: 25b c/o: 26b a/w: 35b SOLD 26b SB 5B AW 5.5B SOLD Chee tagged Pirate Emblem Flag SOLD 4b straight SOLD sb 4.5b aw 5b SOLD sb: 9b aw: 12b SOLD 9b 128wa Kanzir 2b straight sale SOLD 2b coin 105wa King Cent 2b straight SOLD 2b coin 20wa scg SOLD 18b Will accept and at 500m. If purchasing with , buyer covers tax. No downgrades accepted. I reserve the right to retract the item at any circumstances