Please refrain from replying unless you are a buyer. Please refrain from replying unless you are a buyer. Please refrain from replying unless you are a buyer. sold for 1b Same speed as Pyrope Sword and red katana. Perfect att is 100. s/b 1b a/w 2b Accept cs/ws 500m, AP reset 16m, B coin, meso if buyer covers tax. At lvl 175 and with 20 att shield (800m), this sword works as well as 130 stonetooth. The lower level you are, the better this sword is for you. The lower att the potion is, the more you benefit from this sword. (Cider, stopper vs apple) Stat and att at level 175. At level 150 (I simply minus base STR with 5*25): Calculation refined using 630ms per att (4 speed+boost), and 690ms per att (5 speed+boost) instead of coefficients in Sire's Guide. Spoiler: . The actually number of attacks per min is 60/0.63 = 95.23 (actually dps of 4 speed sword more than calculating from sire's coefficient) 60/0.69 = 86.96 94 and 87 is taken from Sire's Guide. Spoiler: Gears of my hero Now I don't need to scroll my zak helm with 100% DEX (sometimes 60%) for ST. Now I can keep relooting zhelm. This Flame Sword + shield works the same as a 136/17 ST (~= 14 ws, or 7b) cuz I have a 9str/8dex/4att pilgrim hat, and I can have str earring and leaf. ^I landed 10 70% scrolls straight lol. Spoiler: Endgame Flame Sword vs. ST Note that I add 3 more att to cape and shoes for Stonetooth because Flame Sword needs some funding for the shield. At endgame conditions, flame sword beats stonetooth (without SI). (I have an 126 SI mule but I remember taking it to grinding or bossing 2 to 3 times only, cuz it's annoying to bring a SI mule.) Google Docs for range and range per sec calculation. Please reply only if you are a buyer. Please reply only if you are a buyer. Please reply only if you are a buyer.
just saying in no situation can a 1h sword + shield can touch a 2h sword with decent attack, i would redo your math imo maybe in the rare situation of grinding but 150+ is primarily bossing
i don't have to do broken math to know basic things about maple, and idk what kind of calculator you're using but 150 ~ 175 if you're using the same gear, at 150 a 1h sword wouldn't be out damaging a 2h only to swap that around at 175, there's also a reason why most heroes in the late game use some form of 2h sword if they're heavy bossing and if you're going to do a side by side comparison, you shouldn't give the 1h sword + shield a slight edge with more weapon atk, while proceeding to do your math from that
So you mean you pull your conclusion out of ur ass? You have zero idea how range and max dps (some factor*range*number of attacks per sec) are calculated. Read this thread to find out about formula and coefficient
out of my ass? if you want to throw insults i can do the same at your mathematics and english skills lmfao. i'm only telling you the truth your thread reflects that tbh you know with you not getting a single offer and even if i did go out and locate the the modifiers you will still continue to claim ur busted math is right and fyi: anything with a lesser modifier in the programming cant touch its higher counter part but what do i know? you're the one that posted the thread
4 speed 1h sword: 94*(4*str+dex)*att/100 5 speed 2h sword: 87*(4.6*str+dex)*att/100 Spoiler: 94 and 87 The actually number of attacks per min is 60/0.63 = 95.23 (actual dps of 4 speed sword more than calculating from sire's coefficient) 60/0.69 = 86.96 94 and 87 is taken from Sire's Guide. Flame sword dex requirement 4 ST dex req. 120 Flame sword + shield 137 att 28 str ST 130 att 18 str
what 2h sword is faster? st is fast same with ur 1h sword both are rank 4 that thread you posted even reflects that if two heroes are on the same footing with wep atk and stats the 2h will still come out on top by pure virtue of the game's coding and my point was made, even with actual proof you'll still deny it and claim you're right! have a good one! you also realize dex helps in this situation as it makes u hit more consistent lines.. lol.......
@bearagorn To summarize your mistakes, 1. assume ST speed to be 4, which is actually 5 2. fail to take into account the difference between numbers of attacks per second or minute of 4 speed sword and 5 speed sword (0.63s per attack and 0.69s per attack) 3. fail to draw conclusion from fact and formula 怕是个文科生哦