Meow it's Lorf here UwU, S>8/0 BFC s/b 1.2b a/w 1.3b S>24/2 TMA single earring s/b 575m a/w 600m SOLD ITEMS Spoiler S>25 wa 16 str WARRIOR shield s/b 3.6 a/w 4b sold to etumium ingame for 4b 29 December 2024 8:41:05 reference: 23 wa 19str sold for 2.5b Closed - S> 23 Wa Warrior Shield <3 | MapleRoyals 24 wa 20 str offered 4b but rejected by a 10ws counter offer Open - Closed - S>20str/24wa warrior shield and 18/149 12/140/3slot skull | MapleRoyals 23 wa 13 str sold for 1.9b Closed - S>13 STR 23 WA Warrior Shield | MapleRoyals S>133/15 sparta, s/b 1.05b, a/w 1.3b sold ingame 1.28b in store reference: 133/15 sold ingame for 1.3b (under graveyard) Open - Pancake | 132wa Dagger 7.5b~ | 40int3luk Calaf ~ | MapleRoyals estimates within Sylafia's Price Guide S>135 att Golden Neschere Crossbow s/b 2.7b, a/w3b sold to @Zaxo for 2.714b after tax (total paid 2.795b if consider tax) reference: generally offered 3b Closed - B>135 att+ Neschere(crossbow) | MapleRoyals Open - B>135+ neschere or DSC | MapleRoyals Closed - B> 135 w. attack crossbow | MapleRoyals Closed - S > 135 wa Dragon Shiner Cross | MapleRoyals S>121/18str/3dex flame sword s/b 1.55b , a/w 2b reference: Open - S>120, 121 WA Flame Swords | MapleRoyals recently sold for 2.3b for 121/20str/1dex S>15 att SCG 2b or 4ws/cs sold to smgogo ingame *Disclaimer* As of 17 January 2025 Accepting/Trading Stonetooth or CGS + top up, Accepting CS/WS as 480m market rate, MESO need to be covered TAX Selling after 1 day of s/b, I have the final say to sell or not to sell
Sorry it seems I messed up the reference thinking the 24wa shield is 25wa, I will like to reject your a/w and re-edit the post.
updated the a/w to be 4b instead of 3.8b, due to reference was 24wa instead of 25wa, this is my mistake, terribly sorry.