only accepting cs/ws at 500m or mesos/b coins not taking any equip downgrades 16 att gloves s/b 1.8b a/w 2b Spoiler: Sold 9 att rs s/b 4b c/o 4.2b by @kareraisu a/w 5b 11 att bfc s/b 2b c/o 2b by @NANI1 a/w 3b
hiya! No sorry, i'm only accepting cs/ws at 500m or mesos/b coins. I'm no longer playing royals, so i'm just liquidating things to buy a fancy green hat
Also, i have a friend looking to sell a Peter Pan Hat (although its tagged by Chee, not Johnny). s/b was 3.5b if i recall correctly. Do let me know if you would be interested and I'll relay the message!
Noted! It's yours if there's no other bid on the shoes in 24 hours from the time of your bid Do you have a time estimate for when you'll have the funds? No thanks, I'm looking for Johnny tag specifically. Thanks for mentioning it though!
Noted and updated! As mentioned in the original post, i'm not taking downgrades for any equips. Only ws/cs at 500m per or mesos, thanks!
Cape is yours for 2b! I'll try to find your char aCutiePie online around 6pm EST today or later (depending on my work schedule ) Bump for shoes. Bid ends in just under 4 hours!