S> 15 ATT SCG sold for 1.95b 16 ATT SCG sold for 3.1b 12 ATT BFC sold for 4b dirt cheap 12 ATT BFC sold for 4.1b 9 ATT FS - 4.5b A/W 10 ATT FS - 6.5b A/W 42 STR/ 6 DEX Red Belly Duke (Lvl. 100 Pirate Overall) - idk? 2.5b A/W 16 STR Element Pierce - 2.4b A/W 119/ 21 STR King Cent sold for 25b Buy, offer, whatever. Not really interested in downgrading, but can trade for higher ATT CGS. Post here or find me in the Discord under my IGN. Accepting CS/ WS at 500m each. omg shoutout to my legendary friend & JR. BALD2 for lots of this stuff Background Check Stuff: Played on and off since 2016. Ran Revival guild for a while (inactive rn). Previous IGN was Stariess. Feel free to ask whatever when we trade.