________________________________________________ Accepting: 410m 420m *Buyer covers tax *I reserve the right to refuse sale to anyone at any time Spoiler: Sold Pgc 22 - Sold 20 pgc + perfect dsc BWG 22 - sb 27.5b ( Trade for 17/1 pgc + 1 ws + 1 cs) RS 12 - sb 9.5b ( Traded + 1cs for 13/2 bfc ) PAC 11 - sb 3b ( Sold 3b in game ) PAC 10 wa Sold to kachau 2.1b Literally bought this 5 days ago at 2.5b. Willing to sell at a lost to buy another cape FS 10 wa SOLD to HS2Tw, 4.8B SUPER cheap sale to fund scrolling my 14/2 bwg Can reserve and wait for liquidation upon winning
A/W has been met by eddoman. Waiting for liquidation of 80b snail shells Spoiler: Not important stuff Increased cape valuation prices for the bfc/pgc and greatly increased pac valuation. 21/20/19/18/17 ( BFC/PGC ) - 60b/42b/29b/24b/17b 21/20/19/18/17 PAC - 64b/45b/31b/25b/18b Now accepting: Chair: Giant Pink Bean Cushion - 6b Tagged nx: Maple Leaf‘s Blessing - 6b Pirate Emblem - 4b Removed 78b s/b Special 78b price reserved for Moeyuki for buying all my steel ores daily *Rip broke