Offer me.......... Dragon Revolver WA 118 S/b - 28ws A/w - 32 ws Taking WS (430m) or CS (450m) as payment. Leave offer here, OR talk to me in game! DingDongBell *I reserved the rights to cancel or withdraw trades at anytime.* Spoiler: Sold items Stonetooth Sword WA 145 a/w - 19b @chris850514 Red Christmas Sock Wa 8 C/o - 3.2b @ShinningArrows Facestompers Wa15 a/w - 17b (@pranav) Facestompers Wa15 a/w- 17b (by joe) Dark Lucida Female Warrior Top Str +21 Dex +9 sold at 900m Blue Neos Male Warrior Top Str +22 Dex +8 sold at 300m Blue Mystique Female Thief Top Dex +9 Luk +19 sold at 300m Green Pirate Skirt Dex +23 Luk +3 sold at 450m in shop Light Mantis Dex +10 Luk +20 sold at 310m in shop Pink Gaia Cape Wa 12 sold at 4.5b to @Alexi Red Socks Wa 12 traded for wa11 socks + mesarz Pink Gaia Cape WA 11 sold at 3.5b Single Earring Int +13 MA +19 sold at 1.8b to @Robi Red socks WA 11 sold at 6b to @Kinoa Facestomper WA 12 sold 7.5b to @Kiwibear Blue Mystic Female Thief Top Dex +9 Luk +20 sold 280m in shop Blue Mystic Female Thief Top Dex +10 Luk +17 sold 180m in shop Red Pirate Skirt Dex +16 Luk+9 sold 340m in shop Dark Lucida Female Warrior Top Str +24 Dex+5 sold 280m in shop Pink Gaia Cape WA 16 a/w- 15b by @Alexi Facestompers WA+7 4 Slots A/w- 2.4b (sold) Facestompers Wa+6 A/w- 1.1b (sold)