Selling goby leech service! I have been selling goby leech for 4 months and decided to make a post for reservation. With all buffs ready (MW20, HB, SI, SE echo). Available time (server time): Mon- Sat: 1300- 1800 Sun: 0500- 1800 Pricing without exp bonus (1/10 updated): lvl 30-50: 25m/lvl lvl 50-60: 50m/lvl lvl 60-67: 60m/lvl lvl 67-70: 70m/lvl Split: 10% discount on 2 char 20% discount on 3 char 30% discount on 4 char Time reference (solo exp): lvl 30-50: 1hr lvl 50-67: 2-2.5hr Preperation: 1. Get a pet, pet food and auto hp! (pet loot off, auto mp also if mages) 2. Get enough potions (recommend 4000-5000 ice cream pops for lvl 30-67, will need more if more characters split cuz it takes more time) Mages can use watermelon+ other mp potions. 3. DONT TOTALLY AFK! please check every 5-10 min. characters may die due to a bug which cause hb invalid when levling up. Mages also needs to keep magic guard up. Accept payment: : 480m, : 6.5m : 1b Feel free to leave a message here or whisper me in game. My ign: GobyNL