IGN: Porom - - - Blood Patina 22str/5dex s/b 150m a/w 250m Baba Blue Ring (3) a/w - 220m 18 int Bathrobe (2) (male) ~ s/b 250m a/w 300m 20 int Bathrobe (male) ~ c/o 350m - Sqwnky (sold in game) a/w 400m 22 int bathrobe (male) ~ s/b 400m - a/w 500m 24 Int Bathrobe (male) ~ c/o 760m - LENoir a/w 850m 26 Doros Robe (male) ~ c/o 425m - Rax1 a/w 550m 13 int green dana ~ s/b 90m a/w 110m ~ Club_Maple 20tma leaf earrings s/b 250m a/w 300m 14tma leaf earrings s/b 50m a/w 75m ~Sold in game Ghost Ship Chair a/w 250m World End Chair a/w 250m Halloween Leopard Umbrella (10x) s/b 50m a/w 100m
No, not at the moment. However, I plan on coming in game at around 01:30:00 servertime. Feel free to PM me too if you have a question!
Bump ~ also a notice that I will sell the items I assume by Monday night to those who've bid on them. Feel few to withdraw your bids if you don't wish to wait that long.