191 TMA Ele Wand 6 C/o: 2.65b A/w: 3.2b Sold for A/w to Berainzz 32TMA Maple Shield C/o: 3b in game by NoixMage A/w: 3.3b Sold for 3.2b to NoixMage 29TMA Flamekeeper Cordon C/o: 2.3b by Baooooo in game A/w: 3b Sold for 2.55b in gam 11 INT LVL 45 Raccoon Mask C/o: none A/w: 2.3b Sold for 2b coin in game 32TMA Single Earring C/o: 1.2b by yonglwh A/w: 1.4b Sold for A/w to Berainzz Accepting 1b coin and cs/ws as 400m. Will update with more pictures of items when I get the chance to. A/w's might change. Will sell items when I see fit. EVERYTHING SOLD
very nice. I will pass this information to my buddy list and my guild FENDI (R>normal people, funny, interesting people! No level requirements because personality > levels/range)