warrior berserk 20/30 enrage 20/30 divine charge 20 holy charge 20 heaven hammer 20/30 blast 20/30 guardian 20 brandish 20/30 advanced combo attack 20/30 power stance 20/30 rush 20 achilles 30 monster magnet 20 bowman dragons' breath 20/30 bow expert 20/30 hamstring shot 20/30 hurricane 20/30 phoenix 20/30 concentrate 20 marksman boost 20/30 blind 20/30 piercing arrow 20/30 frostprey 20/30 shipe 20/30 sharp eyes 20/30 magician mana reflection 20/30 big bang 20/30 infinity 20/30 paralyze 30 chain lightning 30 holy shield 20 fire demon 20/30 elquines 20/30 meteor shower 30 ice demon 20/30 ifirt 20 blizzard 20/30 angel ray 20/30 thief shadow shifter 20/30 venom 20 ninja storm 20 ninja ambush 30 shadow stars 20/30 boomerang step 20/30 smokescreen 20 assassinate 20 taunt 20 pirate dragon strike 20/30 energy orb 20/30 super transformation 20 demolition 20/30 snatch 20 barrage 20/30 speed infusion 20 time leap 30 elemental boost 20/30 wrath of the octopi 20 air strike 20/30 rapid fire 20/30 battleship cannon 20/30 battleship torpedo 20 hypnotize 20 ty!