Whisper ign: piawhic | store at 6-1 atm Red Marker 19 TMA s/b: 500m a/w: 650m Stump Chair a/w: 650m or trade for chair of equal value Head of State Chair s/b: 800m a/w: 1b or trade for chair of equal value Spoiler: Sold Fish Tank Chair a/w 250m 10 att BFC s/b: 2.2b a/w:2.7b 8att FS s/b: 3.5b a/w: 4b 11att PGC s/b: 3b a/w: 3.5b 117 att/14str Sky Ski sold for 1.5b 6att FS sold for 1.3b Oversized Beret(black) sold for 500m Genesis 20 x5 Blizzard 20 Accepting B Coin @ 1B CS @ 510m WS @ 510m