Selling some popular Event NX items. I just did a few price reference only so feel free to leave a comment if i overpriced something. I very much appreciate. Thank you. Black Neckerchief 250m Heart Fur Coat 75m Caramel Oversized Beret 600m Black Baggy Cardigan x2 600m Cherry Blossom Baggy Cardigan 600m Mummy Chat/Label Ring 125m/set 75m/each First Love Chat Ring 200m First Love T-Shirt x4 500m 10th Anniversary Black Suit 200m 10th Anniversary Black Grip (Knuckle) 150m S>RTK 3.3b straight or T> 3 MTK + 200m top up Accept: Bil coin WS/CS 500m Can send me message to my discord hakapham if I don't get back to you. Spoiler: Sold 14wa pgc sold 7b Off-White Oversized Beret 600m Cherry Blossom Baggy Cardigan 550m First Love Label Ring 250m FS 10 attack sold for 6b 10th Anniversary Black Cape 200m
you should just save money and finish it 123 if u buy 119 soon u willl want 123 in future anwway you are so close
if the unfinished 1 slot bothers you, then just 10% without ws and have yourself 118 gun without any hassle. who knows 10% might work and you will 123 gun. jk. tw no. 1 What you are doing isn't smart. Just pretend that you have 118 gun and use it until you gather 10ws and finish it off for 123 gun.
Thank you all for your advice! Yeah I understand that 22 WS for 2 slots is not so bad, and that last slot is really close already. However, that was all I had 18b for 3 slots one and 11b for 22WS. Who knows that next 10 WS gonna work. Furthermore, I’m not a lv110 perfectionist, I’ve always preferred a concerto due to its lower STR requirement instead of investing in an uncertain goal, I can use the spare meso to upgrade the other gear like cape gloves and OA right? That’s just my point of view, I know that it may sounds silly to some people but that’s my personality, I’m insecure and want to play safe LOL By the way, seem like there’s nobody interested in it.