10% Spoiler OA DEX (3) OA LUK (3) Glove for ATT (2) Dagger (4) Claw (4) 30% Spoiler OA DEX (2) OA LUK (4) Dagger (3) Claw (12) Glove for ATT (1) 60% Spoiler OA DEX (3) OA LUK (3) Glove for ATT (1) Dagger (4) Claw (4) 70% Spoiler OA DEX (6) OA LUK (3) Glove for ATT (1) Dagger (3) Claw (5) Equipment Spoiler Clean 2INT Black Bandana Clean Green Bandana Clean 1LUK Maple Thief Shield 51/7 Dragon Green Sleeve 54/7 Dragon Green Sleeve 55/6 Dragon Purple Sleeve 51/6 Dragon Purple Sleeve 2wa Pink Gaia Cape (2) Reply, PM, or whisper in game (IGN Vicar)
If ghostly isn't buying all the claw att 30s I'll take what's left over as well, my ign is smoothflow, and don't worry I'm not on very much either.