Remove Set to another post If the post still "Open", that means still selling items which listed the following. last update at ~servertime NOV 12, 2022, [08]:[27] Silver Mane Set (Many set available now, do not worry about running out of stock anymore ) 1 set = 70m 3 sets = 200m The Set include below : 600 Rexton Leather 400 Skull Shoulder Pad 400 Wooden Shoulder pad use /find Moeyuki in game or leave your IGN in this post, will reply you asap Do not add buddy, my buddylist is full, I will try my best to contact you fast Requirements: Lv. 120, level 3 hog NPC : Kenta (Aqua) Need item : Silver Mane Set + 50m meso Remember : You have to unequip hog then you can be able to do the quest Here is Guide if you have any problem