Heyo recently made a bandit to later become shadower. Im washing with the goal of getting around 19-20k hp. tho Im wondering whats best in slot for when i have to start gearing fr? gonna go 4 str base 25 dex base any pro Shad or someone who Can share some knowledge, Maybe even ss of the gear so i Can plan What to get/make? Thanks!
if you look through the damage range thread, you can take a look at what some shadowers have for gears
Hitting 75 STR and 150 DEX with 4/4 base is very hard. Anyway, Kanzir, Kanjar Thief Top+Bot Standard CGS Attack Gear. Allthough, don't sleep on a godly 15 atk Thief Glove. Shads want stats really bad and also benefit more than other classes from them (2 secondary stats instead of 1) Toad Band can be better than Goggles, it's untrade and not commonly ran content tho. You are probably close to finishing an Auf hat before being able to make all the following gear upgrades HTP -> MoN Quest Medal -> Card Medal Top+Bot -> Thief OA Regardless, the main point is to be able to wield both Kanzir and Kanjar. Kanjar is significantly better than a mapleshield and both Kanjar and Kanzir require 75 STR. Might as well wield a Kanzir then Obviously, when considering end-game BiS watk is always going to beat stats. However, you do still need to be able to wield your gear. Wich is the main gearing challenge for shads. Gl!