Her, everyone! Share your favorite and must have locations for your teleport rocks! I'll eventually make a guide on Teleport Rocks, but it's nice to see other people's list! Forest of the Dead IV Seeing as I'm a Bishop, I have this location saved because this is the last available nap I can teleport to reach Zakum and door my party members. Also, I can farm some Orbis Etc., Gold Zombie Teeth, access to a decent training area (Coolie Zombies) and a quick teleport to El Nath. Ulu Estate II Great place to leech whenever I'm in the mood of selling or leeching my other characters. If you need a teleport to Ulu Estate I, you should still have it set to Ulu Estate II because Ulu Estate I teleports you straight to the bottom left portion of the map where there aren't any rope safespots. Wolf Spider Cavern Great place to leech and it's an instant teleport to the best potions in game and Victoria Island. If I'm ever in the need for Illbis, I know I can just farm at Wolf Spiders a bit for some. The Dragon Nest Left Behind Probably one of the main staples of everyone's Teleport Rock list. Quick access to one of the best training locations for end game players, near town teleport to Leafre and Horntail PQ makes this a main stay on my list. Memory Lane 5 If there's anything I wish the GMs and Admins change that would be a relative quick fix, it would be to instantly access to Temple of Time without having to go through the dragon changing flying sequence to get to Temple of Time via Leafre. It also doesn't help that the Temple of Time maps are super long to walk/teleport to. I chose Memory Lane 5 because the mobs there drop Scroll for Helmet Int 60% which I can farm for a bit of money on the side when I'm bored.Temple of Time can no longer be teleported to.
Pretty Similar to yours Actually. Forest of Dead Trees IV- Used for fastest Zak Transportation. The Dragon Nest Left Behind- I live there. Road to Oblivion5- Quick Transportation to the End of the ToT maps. New Leaf City - Town Center- Quick Pot-Up stop.
I believe tele rocks dont work for ToT anymore anyway. I dont evne know what my tele rocks are set to, other than knowing i have El nath there.
I can't remember the order they're set in, but.... 1. El Nath Because Zak runs are a thing that happens. I usually have more than enough tower scrolls to walk away, but it's always annoying to walk there. 2. NLC town center For easier bigfoot/HH hunting and heartstopper farming. 3. Whatever the APQ map is called Because seriously, walking to amoria for APQ? Aint nobody got time fo dat. 4. Ludibrium town center Because I pap. A Lot. 5. Peak of the big nest Ht. Need I say more?