So, I've come back after a couple years break, and before I left I gach'd a 124 attack + 19 accuracy crushed skull from Gach. Would it be advisable just to sell this (judging from posts in the forums history it's worth 1-1.5b) and fund some things like an already scrolled medium skull, an attack shield, and some other stuff? Or, should I sit on it, and just work on it as a long term project? I have some medium gear like 13atk gloves, a Zhelm, dep star and 500m as is. So, I'm just not sure if the immediate injection of power is enough to warrant selling off a potentially perfect endgame equip. I'm currently a level 90 White Knight for reference, but I think I'll be able to at least 130 over the next month or two. I guess I should say too, I'm not really looking for a hard and fast rule, just other opinions. I'd really like to be able to do some bosses once I'm into 4th job as a benchmark. So far, I'm thinking I'll just sit on it because once I get an attack shield, boots and cape, there aren't many massive optimisations left to make. My gear would obviously be hugely improveable still, but not at the same cost-to-effectiveness ratio that early purchases give. Also, out of curiosity since I've never done it; when you're white scrolling you use 30%s for the first 3-4 slots, correct?
I think selling it is a better option. You could then spend the money you get on a wide range of equipment, which would boost your attack range further than the item alone.
Well, tbh if you're not funded atm, I would advise against trying to perfect this item. This is an item that doesn't deserve any 60%, but 10%+WS / 30%, and then MAYBE 100% Scrolls to finish it off, but I'd say sell it now and work on getting other gear as you mentioned yourself. You should also know these are extremely rare for some reason, I don't believe there's actually a perf clean / complete 125 one out there, and I've never seen a 124 before so there's that. I'd maybe keep it on the side, for when you have more funds, and then later on ws+10% / 30% it as you go, cause the funds for those other items might be obtainable through lucky gaching a couple of weeks
Selling it and and getting Overall okayish Gear Has The highest DMG/mesos invested Ratio. I mean let's say you'll need 7-8 White Scrolls + 10% to Just get +5wa, means you've invested 2.8b-3.2b Just to gain These 5wa. Instead of buying 10wa gloves for 30m you can buy 12wa for like 150m-200m and still have 1.3b left to get some Overall decent gear depending in how much you can sell The Skull for. Always Upgrade your Gear in this Order: Weapons - Gloves - Cape - Boots. The Rest Like Zhelm, Overall etc. is whenever you Feel Like upgrading These.