Solo Challenge: NostaLegion

Discussion in 'Community' started by pragmasaurus, Oct 19, 2023.

  1. pragmasaurus

    pragmasaurus Donator

    Mar 13, 2021
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    What is NostaLegion?

    It's a solo Victoria-only challenge to raise up an account of 5 characters (one of each job) and beat Jr. Balrog with each one, with certain restrictions aimed at maximizing ealry-GMS nostalgia. My hope is that it will be a slow-paced, casual challenge to pass the time between events.


    [​IMG] Region Lock [​IMG]
    Each of your five characters are locked to certain regions of Victoria Island:

    There are common zones where all jobs are allowed:
    [​IMG] Lith Harbor Region
    [​IMG] Sleepywood Region (including Ant Tunnel and Sleepy Dungeons)

    However, all other regions are locked to a specific job:
    [​IMG] Warriors can only enter the Perion region
    [​IMG] Magicians can only enter the Ellinia region
    [​IMG] Thieves can only enter the Kerning region
    [​IMG] Bowmen can only enter the Henesys region
    [​IMG] Pirates can only enter Nautilus Harbor and Florina Beach

    You can tell which region you're in by checking the icon on the minimap.

    To clarify:
    - No Amoria
    - No boat to Orbis
    - No NLC, Singapore, or World Tour

    You can briefly visit Henesys with your non-bowman characters or Kerning with your non-thieves for the purpose of visiting the salons.
    If you accidently teleport to Omega Sector or Ariant via a quest, you have to make your way back to Victoria island immediately.

    [​IMG] No trading, No Free Market [​IMG]
    This is a solo challenge, so no trading except between your own Nostalegion characters using the storage NPC.
    This helps keep the challenge consistent- all gear is found and scrolled by yourself. Of course you can still export any items you find to your other accounts, as long as you don't import anything.

    [​IMG] Legion Checkpoints [​IMG]
    Before you can progress beyond level 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80 on any of your characters, you must raise all of your other characters to that level, and each character must be appropriately geared and carded for that level (more details on what that means below). For example, to progress your bowman beyond Lv40, all five of your characters must be geared and carded at the level 40 checkpoint.

    This restriction will hopefully keep things fresh by forcing you to frequently switch characters which all play a bit differently.

    [​IMG] Gear Requirements [​IMG]
    A character is considered "geared" if they are wearing a weapon, hat, overall (or top+bottom), gloves, and shoes of their appropriate job and with a level req within 5 of the check level. It doesn't matter what stats the items have, only the job and level requirement. (This means you'll need to invest in your secondary stat!) For example, for a warrior to pass the Lv30 check, their weapon, hat, overall (or top+bottom), gloves, and shoes must all be warrior items and have a level req of 25 or higher.

    There are some gaps in the gear available, especially for pirates, in which case just grab the next lowest piece of gear. See the gear tables in the resources section for examples of what each gear check looks like.

    Exception: Before the Jr. Balrog fight, you may equip lower-level gear in order to optimize HP/Accuracy bonuses.

    This restriction aims to maintain the classic look of each job, and to give you a goal of finding or crafting items.

    [​IMG] Monster Card Requirements [​IMG]
    A character is considered "carded" if they have at least one of each monster card in your level bracket and below, according to the following schedule:


    It's the list of all mobs the class can encounter up to 5 levels below the check level. So to pass the level 20 check, mobs level 15 and below that can be found in that class's region are on the list. There are a few exceptions:

      • Shroom was removed from warrior, magician and pirate, since there's only a single spawn available outside of maple island.
      • Iron Hog was removed from thief, since there's only a single spawn available.
      • Blue Mushroom was removed from mage, since there's only a single spawn available.
      • Jr. Boogie and Necki were bumped up one bracket because of their insanely high evade stat.
    You may wonder if Jr. Boogie and Fairy should be removed from the list because they are also in limited supply. But because they count as a rare spawn on the map, it's much easier to reliably farm them by switching channels, since they spawn with priority as long as their spawn timer is ready. As opposed to a single normal mob spawn which has the same probability to spawn as any other mob on the map.

    This restriction aims to encourage you to explore those rarely visited maps like L. Forest outside of Kerning, or the myriad Tree Dungeons of Ellinia.

    [​IMG] No Cash Shop, No NX [​IMG]
    What? Why no cosmetics? It's because Nostalegion characters should have the OG maple appearance. There's still a decent amount of customization available by choosing gear of specific colors. Of course, no cash shop also means no gacha, washing, or pets.
    Disallowing the cash shop also keeps the challenge balanced for people who want to save their NX for their main accounts.
    You can still change your character's hair, face and skin by purchasing salon coupons with mesos. If you happen to earn a lot of NX from area bosses, you may export your NX to your main account using APRs or the like.

    [​IMG] No Partying [​IMG]
    This is a solo challenge, partying is disallowed in order to keep the experience consistent for everyone. This also means no self-leech or buff mules.

    [​IMG] No Events [​IMG]
    Again, to keep the challenge consistent throughout the year, no equips or consumables from events may be used. You may still enter event maps and use chairs from events. If you get an event item from a drop (e.g. Maplemas lights), you can NPC it or export it to your main account.

    Progress Board

    Players who are currently attempting the challenge will be listed here. The format is as follows:

    Name - (Legion checkpoint)[WAR][MAG][THF][BOW][PIR]

    Where each of the classes in square brackets are the character level at which Jr. Balrog was defeated.
    Completed entries will be bolded and moved to the top, and any variants will be listed to the right.

    pragmasaurus - (30) [xx][xx][xx][xx][xx]


    Gear Checkpoint Examples






    Item Drop/Craft/Shop List

    Blue Jean Shorts [Lv0] - Slime, Horny Mushroom
    Brown Cotton Shorts [Lv0] - Ribbon Pig
    Jean Capris [Lv5] - Shroom, Lith Harbor Store
    Grey Thick Sweat Pants [Lv11] - Blue Snail, Lith Harbor Store
    Ice Jeans [Lv16] - Shroom, Lith Harbor Store
    Sandblasted Jeans [Lv16] - Lith Harbor Store
    Warfare Pants [Lv] - Henesys Store

    Red Justice Cape [Lv55] - Wild Kargo
    Red Magic Cape [Lv60] - Wild Kargo
    Black Magic Cape [Lv60] - Dark Stone Golem
    Red Gaia Cape [Lv65] - Red Drake
    Black Gaia Cape [Lv65] - Zombie Mushmom
    Blue Seraph Cape [Lv75] - Tauromacis
    Red Seraph Cape [Lv75] - Taurospear

    Single Earring [Lv15] - Dark Stump, Octopus, Green Mushroom
    Amethyst Earrings [Lv15] - Red Snail, Ribbon Pig, Axe Stump
    Weighted Earrings [Lv20] - Zombie Mushroom, Wild Boar
    Yellow Square [Lv20] - Evil Eye
    Gold Earrings [Lv25] - Zombie Mushroom
    Sapphire Earrings [Lv35] - Wild Boar, Stone Golem
    Cat's Eye [Lv35] - Evil Eye, Cold Eye, Wraith
    Pansy Earrings [Lv45] - Iron Boar
    Crystal Flower Earrings [Lv55] - Malady, Mushmom
    Holy Cross Earrings [Lv55] - Dark Stone Golem
    Pink-Flowered Earrings [Lv60] - Zombie Mushmom

    Work Gloves [Lv10] - Stirge, Kerning Crafting

    Red/Black/Green/Yellow/Blue Headband [Lv5] - Lith Harbor Store
    Brown Skullcap [Lv5] - Pig, Henesys Store
    Green Headband [Lv5] - Snail
    Black/Blue/Red Swimming Cap [Lv8] - Lith Harbor Store
    White Bandana [Lv10] - Lith Harbor Store
    White Bandana [Lv10] - Slime, Octopus
    Blue Bandana [Lv10] - Skeledog
    Metal Gear [Lv15] - Dark Stump, Lith Harbor Store, Kerning Store
    Old Wisconsin [Lv15] - Octopus, Green Mushroom
    Blue Baseball Cap [Lv20] - Jr. Necki
    Red Starry Bandana [Lv25] - Stirge, Kerning Store
    Blue Starry Bandana [Lv25] - Kerning Store
    Yellow Starry Bandana [Lv25] - Dark Axe Stump, Kerning Store

    Stolen Fence [Lv5] - Dark Stump, Lith Harbor Store
    Pan Lid [Lv10] - Green Mushroom, Drake

    Blue/Red Sneakers [Lv] - Henesys Store
    Yellow/Blue/Red Rubber Boots [Lv0] - Lith Harbor Store
    Leather Sandals [Lv0] - Red Snail, Lith Harbor Store
    White Gomushin [Lv11] - Orange Mushroom, Kerning Store
    Black/Smelly Gomushin [Lv11] - Kerning Store
    Bronze Aroa Shoes [Lv16] - Axe Stump
    Brown/Green Aroa Shoes [Lv16] - Lith Harbor Store
    Blue/Red/Brown Ankle-strap Sandals [Lv21] - Lith Harbor Store
    Orange Whitebottom Boots [Lv26] - Iron Hog, Henesys Store
    Red/Pink/Blue Whitebottom Shoes [Lv] - Henesys Store

    Undershirt [Lv0] - Blue Snail
    White Tubetop [Lv0] - Stump
    Yellow T-Shirt [Lv0] - Red Snail
    Blue One-Lined T-Shirt [Lv11] - Blue Snail, Lith Harbor Store
    Orange Sporty T-Shirt [Lv11] - Ribbon Pig, Lith Harbor Store
    Pink Starry Shirt [Lv11] - Lith Harbor Store
    Red-Striped T-Shirt [Lv11] - Blue Snail, Pig, Ribbon Pig, Lith Harbor Store

    Sword [Lv0] - Snail, Lith Harbor Store
    Sky Blue Umbrella [Lv0] - Lorang
    Hand Axe [Lv0] - Shroom, Lith Harbor Store
    Wooden Club [Lv0] - Stump, Lith Harbor Store
    Blue Flowery Tube [Lv0] - Bubbling, Lorang
    Sky Snowboard [Lv0] - Stump, Slime, Pig
    Wooden Baseball Bat [Lv0] - Axe Stump
    Fruit Knife [Lv8] - Lith Harbor Store
    Long Sword [Lv10] - Green Mushroom, Perion/Lith/Kerning/Henesys Store
    Double Axe [Lv10] - Orange Mushroom, Lith Harbor Store
    Aqua Snowboard [Lv12] - Dark Stump, Octopus, Green Mushroom, Bubbling, Stirge, Horny Mushroom
    Leather Purse [Lv15] - Red Snail, Slime, Henesys Store
    Gold Surfboard [Lv15] - Slime
    Metal Wand [Lv18] - Red Snail
    Fish Spear [Lv20] - Bubbling
    Silver Snowboard [Lv24] - Evil Eye, Fairy 1, Jr. Boogie 1
    Plunger [Lv25] - Ligator, Kerning Store
    Red Flowery Tube [Lv25] - Lorang, Tortie
    Maple Umbrella [Lv30] - Snack Bar
    Lollipop [Lv30] - Curse Eye
    Surfboard [Lv30] - Ligator, Tortie, Clang
    Aluminum Baseball Bat [Lv30] - Lupin
    Red Whip [Lv35] - Zombie Lupin, Wraith
    Korean Fan [Lv35] - Fire Boar, Lorang
    Golden Snowboard [Lv36] - Curse Eye
    Yellow Umbrella [Lv40] - Clang
    Purple Tube [Lv40] - Lorang
    Black Surfboard [Lv45] - Lorang
    Dark Snowboard [Lv48] - Tortie
    Black Tube [Lv50] - Lorang, Tortie
    Green Surfboard [Lv55] - Lorang
    Blood Snowboard [Lv60] - Mixed Golem
    Maple Glory Sword [Lv64] - Stone Golem
    Colorful Tube [Lv70] - Tortie

    Grey / Brown Training Shirt (M) [Lv8] - Blue Snail, Ellinia Store
    Blue Training Shirt (M) [Lv8] - Ellinia Store
    Black Armine (F) [Lv8] - Ellinia Store
    Green Armine (F) [Lv8] - Ellinia Store
    Purple Arianne (F) [Lv13] - Green Mushroom, Ellinia Store
    Green Arianne (F) [Lv13] - Dark Stump, Green Mushroom, Ellinia Store
    Yellow Arianne (F) [Lv13] - Octopus, Ellinia Store
    Pink Arianne (F) [Lv13] - Ellinia Store
    Black Split Piece (M) [Lv18] - Ghost Stump, Ellinia Store
    Orange Split Piece (M) [Lv18] - Ribbon Pig, Axe Stump, Ellinia Store
    Blue Split Piece (M) [Lv18] - Wooden Mask, Ellinia Store
    Black Split (F) [Lv18] - Ghost Stump, Wooden Mask, Ellinia Store
    Purple Split (F) [Lv18] - Jr. Necki, Ellinia Store
    Red Split (F) [Lv18] - Ellinia Store
    Purple Fairy Top (F) [Lv28] - Ellinia Store
    Green Fairy Top (F) [Lv28] - Ellinia Store
    Blue Fairy Top (F) [Lv28] - Ellinia Store
    Red Amoria Top (F) [Lv33] - Ligator

    Grey / Brown Training Pants (M) [Lv8] - Blue Snail
    Blue Training Pants (M) [Lv8] - Ellinia Store
    Black Armine Skirt (F) [Lv8] - Ellinia Store
    Green Armine Skirt (F) [Lv8] - Ellinia Store
    Purple Arianne Skirt (F) [Lv13] - Green Mushroom
    Green Arianne Skirt (F) [Lv13] - Dark Stump
    Yellow Arianne Skirt (F) [Lv13] - Octopus
    Pink Arianne Skirt (F) [Lv13] - Ellinia Store
    Black Split Pants (M) [Lv18] - Ghost Stump, Wooden Mask, Ellinia Store
    White Split Pants (M) [Lv18] - Axe Stump, Wooden Mask, Ellinia Store
    Black Split Skirt (F) [Lv18] - Ghost Stump, Ellinia Store
    White Split Skirt (F) [Lv18] - Pig, Ribbon Pig, Jr. Necki, Ellinia Store
    Purple Fairy Skirt (F) [Lv28] - Ellinia Store
    Green Fairy Skirt (F) [Lv28] - Ellinia Store
    Blue Fairy Skirt (F) [Lv28] - Ellinia Store
    Red Amoria Skirt (F) [Lv33] - Ligator

    Green Plain Robe (M) [Lv13] - Ghost Stump
    White Doros Robe (M) [Lv23] - Mano, Jr. Wraith
    Brown Doroness Robe (F) [Lv23] - Dark Axe Stump, Jr. Wraith
    Purple Doroness Robe (F) [Lv23] - Dark Axe Stump, Wild Boar
    Red Doroness Robe (F) [Lv23] - Mano, Wild Boar
    Blue Wizard Robe (M) [Lv28] - Ghost Stump
    White Wizard Robe (M) [Lv28] - Evil Eye
    Blue Chaos Robe (M) [Lv33] - Zombie Mushroom
    White Chaos Robe (M) [Lv33] - Zombie Mushroom
    Blue Starlight (M) [Lv38] - Lorang
    Dark Starlight (M) [Lv38] - Stumpy, Zombie Lupin, Dark Stone Golem
    Blue Moonlight (F) [Lv38] - Curse Eye
    Dark Moonlight (F) [Lv38] - Stumpy
    Blue Calas (M) [Lv48] - Curse Eye
    Red Calas (M) [Lv48] - Copper Drake, Croco, Red Drake
    Orange Calas (M) [Lv48] - Iron Boar, Wild Kargo
    White Calas (M) [Lv48] - Mummydog, Stone Golem
    Dark Calaf (F) [Lv48] - Drake
    White Calaf (F) [Lv48] - Malady
    Blue Calaf (F) [Lv48] - Mummydog
    Orange Calaf (F) [Lv48] - Iron Hog
    Dark Anakamoon (M) [Lv58] - King Clang, Red Drake
    Red Anakarune (F) [Lv58] - Drake, Skeleton Soldier, Wild Kargo
    White Anakarune (F) [Lv58] - Ice Drake
    Dark Anakarune (F) [Lv58] - King Clang, Taurospear
    Blue Requiem (M) [Lv68] - Tauromacis
    Brown Requierre (F) [Lv68] - Wild Kargo, Commander Skeleton
    Dark Requierre (F) [Lv68] - Tauromacis, Taurospear
    Green Enigma (F) [Lv78] - Taurospear

    Lemona [Lv15] - Slime, Ellinia Crafting
    Blue Morrican [Lv20] - Ellinia Crafting
    Green Morrican [Lv20] - Ellinia Crafting
    Purple Morrican [Lv20] - Ellinia Crafting
    Ocean Mesana [Lv25] - Wooden Mask, Evil Eye, Ellinia Crafting
    Dark Mesana [Lv25] - Mano, Ellinia Crafting
    Blood Mesana [Lv25] - Ellinia Crafting
    Red Lutia [Lv30] - Rocky Mask, Ellinia Crafting
    Blue Lutia [Lv30] - Fire Boar, Ellinia Crafting
    Black Lutia [Lv30] - Ellinia Crafting
    Red Noel [Lv35] - Ellinia Crafting
    Blue Noel [Lv35] - Ellinia Crafting
    Dark Noel [Lv35] - Jr. Wraith, Lorang, Ellinia Crafting
    Red Arten [Lv40] - Zombie Mushroom, Ellinia Crafting
    Blue Arten [Lv40] - Ellinia Crafting
    Dark Arten [Lv40] - Stumpy, Copper Drake, Ellinia Crafting
    Red Pennance [Lv50] - Ellinia Crafting
    Blue Pennance [Lv50] - Officer Skeleton, Ellinia Crafting
    Dark Pennance [Lv50] - Ellinia Crafting
    Steel Manute [Lv60] - Ellinia Crafting
    Gold Manute [Lv60] - Mixed Golem, Ellinia Crafting
    Dark Manute [Lv60] - King Clang, Dark Stone Golem, Ellinia Crafting
    Brown Lorin [Lv70] - Officer Skeleton, Ice Drake, Dark Drake
    Dark Lorin [Lv70] - Taurospear

    Red Apprentice Hat [Lv10] - Bubbling
    Brown Apprentice Hat [Lv10] - Ellinia Store
    Pink Moon Conehat [Lv15] - Cold Eye, Ellinia Store
    Blue Moon Conehat [Lv15] - Ellinia Store
    Green Moon Conehat [Lv15] - Ellinia Store
    Dark Moon Conehat [Lv15] - Ellinia Store
    Brown Moon Conehat [Lv15] - Ellinia Store
    Red Wizardry Hat [Lv20] - Mano
    Green Wizardry Hat [Lv20] - Ellinia Store
    Blue Jester [Lv30] - Wild Boar
    Pink Jester [Lv30] - Zombie Mushroom
    Brown Jester [Lv30] - Horny Mushroom, Lupin
    Bronze Pride [Lv30] - Wild Boar
    Red Matty [Lv35] - Fire Boar
    Green Matty [Lv35] - Green Mushroom, Curse Eye
    Brown Matty [Lv35] - Skeledog
    Brown Guiltian [Lv40] - Wild Boar, Zombie Lupin, Iron Hog
    Blue Guiltian [Lv40] - Tortie
    Dark Guiltian [Lv40] - Stumpy
    Flame Golden Circlet [Lv50] - Wraith
    Orange Golden Circlet [Lv50] - Clang
    Dark Golden Circlet [Lv50] - Croco, Wild Kargo
    Red Seraphis [Lv60] - Dark Drake
    Dark Seraphis [Lv60] - King Clang, Red Drake, Officer Skeleton
    Red Infinium Circlet [Lv70] - Skeleton Soldier
    Blue Galaxy [Lv80] - Tauromacis

    Blue Basic Boots [Lv10] - Stirge
    Beige Nitty [Lv15] - Slime
    Blue Jewelry Boots [Lv20] - Bubbling, Sleepywood Crafting
    Purple Jewelry Boots [Lv20] - Blue Mushroom, Sleepywood Crafting
    Red Jewelry Boots [Lv20] - Sleepywood Crafting
    Yellow Windshoes [Lv25] - Horny Mushroom, Sleepywood Crafting
    Black Windshoes [Lv25] - Mano, Sleepywood Crafting
    Silver Windshoes [Lv25] - Sleepywood Crafting
    Black Magicshoes [Lv30] - Zombie Lupin, Sleepywood Crafting
    Red Magicshoes [Lv30] - Sleepywood Crafting
    Blue Magicshoes [Lv30] - Sleepywood Crafting
    White Magicshoes [Lv30] - Sleepywood Crafting
    Red Salt Shoes [Lv35] - Cold Eye, Sleepywood Crafting
    Black Salt Shoes [Lv35] - Fire Boar, Sleepywood Crafting
    Purple Salt Shoes [Lv35] - Sleepywood Crafting
    Red Moon Shoes [Lv40] - Jr. Wraith, Iron Hog, Wraith,Sleepywood Crafting
    Blue Moon Shoes [Lv40] - Sleepywood Crafting
    Gold Moon Shoes [Lv40] - Lupin, Iron Boar, Drake, Sleepywood Crafting
    Dark Moon Shoes [Lv40] - Stumpy, Sleepywood Crafting
    Pink Goldwind Shoes [Lv50] - Cold Eye, Skeleton Soldier, Sleepywood Crafting
    Blue Goldwind Shoes [Lv50] - Wraith, Sleepywood Crafting
    Purple Goldwind Shoes [Lv50] - Tortie, Skeleton Soldier, Sleepywood Crafting
    Green Goldenwind Shoes [Lv50] - Stone Golem, Malady, Sleepywood Crafting
    Pink Goldrunners [Lv60] - King Clang, Red Drake, Sleepywood Crafting
    Green Goldrunners [Lv60] - Malady, Sleepywood Crafting
    Orange Goldrunners [Lv60] - Sleepywood Crafting
    Blue Goldrunners [Lv60] - Dark Stone Golem
    Red Lapiz Sandals [Lv70] - Ice Drake
    Gold Lapiz Sandals [Lv70] - Red Drake
    Green Enigma Shoes [Lv80] - Commander Skeleton

    Sky Blue Umbrella [Lv0] - Lorang
    Wooden Wand [Lv8] - Ellinia Store
    Wooden Staff [Lv10] - Dark Stump, Ellinia Store
    Hardwood Wand [Lv13] - Ellinia Store
    Emerald Staff [Lv15] - Ellinia Store
    Sapphire Staff [Lv15] - Ellinia Store
    Metal Wand [Lv18] - Red Snail, Ellinia Store
    Old Wooden Staff [Lv20] - Axe Stump, Ellinia Store
    Ice Wand [Lv23] - Rocky Mask, Ellinia Store
    Wizard Staff [Lv25] - Blue Mushroom, Ellinia Store
    Mithril Wand [Lv28] - Ellinia Store
    Mithril Wand [Lv28] - Zombie Mushroom, Fire Boar, Ellinia Store
    Circle-Winded Staff [Lv30] - Wild Boar, Lorang
    Wizard Wand [Lv33] - Axe Stump
    Maple Staff [Lv35] - Ligator
    Crystal Wand [Lv38] - Fire Boar, Stone Golem, Red Drake
    Fairy Wand [Lv38] - Ellinia Crafting
    Hall Staff [Lv40] - Skeledog, Croco
    Yellow Umbrella [Lv40] - Clang
    Maple Lama Staff [Lv43] - Horny Mushroom
    Arc Staff [Lv45] - Zombie Lupin, Copper Drake, Clang, Malady
    Cromi [Lv48] - Faust, Ellinia Crafting
    Thorns [Lv55] - Drake, Faust, Mushmom
    Evil Tale [Lv58] - Mixed Golem, Red Drake
    Evil Wings [Lv65] - Dark Stone Golem, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Angel Wings [Lv68] - Dyle, Dark Drake
    Dark Ritual [Lv75] - Dyle, Tauromacis, Taurospear

    Blue/Red/Black Cloth Vest [Lv10] - Kerning Store
    Dark Nightshift (M) [Lv15] - Pig, Ribbon Pig, Bubbling, Kerning Store
    Blue Nightshift (M) [Lv15] - Bubbling, Kerning Store
    Red Nightshift (F) [Lv15] - Green Mushroom
    Brown Nightshift (F) [Lv15] - Axe Stump
    Blue Pao (M) [Lv20] - Rocky Mask, Kerning Store
    Red Pao (M) [Lv20] - Stirge, Kerning Store
    Black Pao (F) [Lv20] - Horny Mushroom, Zombie Mushroom, Kerning Store
    Pink Qi Pao (F) [Lv20] - Stirge, Kerning Store
    Blue Qi Pao (F) [Lv20] - Dark Stump, Kerning Store
    Red Qi Pao (F) [Lv20] - Kerning Store
    Brown Sneak (M) [Lv25] - Zombie Mushroom, Kerning Store
    Blue Sneak (M) [Lv25] - Tortie, Kerning Store
    Black Sneak (M) [Lv25] - Mano, Kerning Store
    Gold Sneak (F) [Lv25] - Mano, Evil Eye, Kerning Store
    Dark/Blood/Sky Sneak (F) [Lv25] - Kerning Store
    Silver Black Stealer (M) [Lv30] - Wraith, Kerning Store
    Brown/Silver/Gold Stealer (M) [Lv30] - Kerning Store
    Purple Steal (F) [Lv30] - Lupin, Kerning Store
    Red/Black/Blue Steal (F) [Lv30] - Kerning Store
    Green Knucklevest (M) [Lv35] - Wraith
    Black Knucklevest (M) [Lv35] - Curse Eye
    Marine Shadow (M) [Lv40] - Clang, Red Drake
    Dark Shadow (M) [Lv40] - Stumpy, Stone Golem
    Purple Shadow (F) [Lv40] - Lorang, Dark Stone Golem
    Red Shadow (F) [Lv40] - Cold Eye
    Dark Shadow (M) [Lv40] - Stumpy, Stone Golem
    Dark Shadow (F) [Lv40] - Stumpy, Wild Kargo
    Red China (M) [Lv50] - Ice Drake
    Blue China (M) [Lv50] - Clang, Wild Kargo
    Maroon Moon (F) [Lv50] - Drake, Mixed Golem
    Blue Moon (F) [Lv50] - Officer Skeleton
    Brown Moon (F) [Lv50] - Tortie, Mummydog, Clang, Drake, Croco
    Red Moon (F) [Lv50] - Stone Golem, Red Drake
    Light Scorpio (M) [Lv60] - Croco, Skeleton Soldier
    Dark Scorpio (M) [Lv60] - King Clang, Red Drake, Tauromacis
    Light Mantis (F) [Lv60] - Lupin, Mixed Golem
    Bloody Mantis (F) [Lv60] - King Clang, Commander Skeleton
    Umber Mantis (F) [Lv60] - Commander Skeleton
    Blue Mystique (F) [Lv70] - Dark Drake
    Red Mystique (F) [Lv70] - Wild Kargo, Taurospear

    Red Cloth Pants (F) [Lv10] - Red Snail, Kerning Store
    Blue/Black Cloth Pants (F) [Lv10] - Kerning Store
    Red Cloth Pants (M) [Lv10] - Red Snail, Kerning Store
    Blue/Black Cloth Pants (M) [Lv10] - Kerning Store
    Dark Nightshift Pants (M) [Lv15] - Ribbon Pig, Kerning Store
    Blue Nightshift Pants (M) [Lv15] - Bubbling, Kerning Store
    Red Nightshift Pants (F) [Lv15] - Green Mushroom, Kerning Store
    Brown Nightshift Pants (F) [Lv15] - Axe Stump, Kerning Store
    Blue/Red Qi Pao Skirt (F) [Lv15] - Kerning Store
    Blue Pao Bottom (M) [Lv20] - Slime, Green Mushroom, Rocky Mask, Kerning Store
    Red Pao Bottom (M) [Lv20] - Stirge, Kerning Store
    Black Pao Bottom (M) [Lv20] - Horny Mushroom, Kerning Store
    Blue Qi Pao Pants (F) [Lv20] - Dark Stump, Kerning Store
    Purple/Red Qi Pao Pants (F) [Lv20] - Kerning Store
    Purple Qi Pao Skirt (F) [Lv22] - Stirge, Kerning Store
    Brown Sneak Pants (F) [Lv25] - Horny Mushroom, Zombie Mushroom, Kerning Store
    Dark Brown/Black Sneak Pants (F) [Lv25] - Kerning Store
    Dark/Blood/Sky Sneak Pants (F) [Lv25] - Kerning Store
    Gold Sneak Pants (F) [Lv25] - Evil Eye, Kerning Store
    Brown/Silver/Gold/Black Stealer Pants (M) [Lv30] - Kerning Store
    Purple Steal Pants (F) [Lv30] - Lupin, Kerning Store
    Red/Black/Blue Steal Pants (F) [Lv30] - Kerning Store
    Blue Knucklevest Pants (M) [Lv35] - Wild Boar, Wraith
    Black Knucklevest Pants (M) [Lv35] - Curse Eye
    Khaki Shadow Pants (M) [Lv40] - Evil Eye
    Marine Shadow Pants (M) [Lv40] - Clang, Red Drake
    Purple Shadow Pants (F) [Lv40] - Curse Eye, Lorang, Dark Stone Golem
    Red Shadow Pants (F) [Lv40] - Cold Eye
    Red China Pants (M) [Lv50] - Ice Drake
    Blue China Pants (M) [Lv50] - Clang, Wild Kargo
    Maroon Moon Pants (F) [Lv50] - Drake, Mixed Golem
    Brown Moon Pants (F) [Lv50] - Ligator, Tortie, Mummydog, Clang, Croco
    Red Moon Pants (F) [Lv50] - Stone Golem, Red Drake
    Light Scorpio Pants (M) [Lv60] - Croco, Skeleton Soldier
    Dark Scorpio Pants (M) [Lv60] - Red Drake, Tauromacis
    Light Mantis Pants (F) [Lv60] - Mixed Golem
    Bloody Mantis Pants (F) [Lv60] - Commander Skeleton
    Umber Mantis Pants (F) [Lv60] - Commander Skeleton
    Blue Mystique Pants (F) [Lv70] - Dark Drake
    Red Mystique Pants (F) [Lv70] - Red Drake, Wild Kargo, Taurospear

    Blue Avenger (F) [Lv35] - Axe Stump, Jr. Wraith
    Purple Avenger (F) [Lv35] - Zombie Lupin

    Brown Duo [Lv15] - Red Snail, Crafting
    Blue/Black Duo [Lv15] - Crafting
    Bronze/Mithril/Dark Mischief [Lv20] - Crafting
    Bronze Wolfskin [Lv25] - Jr. Wraith, Zombie Lupin, Crafting
    Dark Wolfskin [Lv25] - Mano, Crafting
    Mithril Wolfskin [Lv25] - Crafting
    Silver Sylvia [Lv30] - Wooden Mask
    Gold Sylvia [Lv30] - Fire Boar, Crafting
    Steel Sylvia [Lv30] - Crafting
    Steel Arbion [Lv35] - Ligator, Crafting
    Orihalcon Arbion [Lv35] - Jr. Wraith, Crafting
    Gold Arbion [Lv35] - Crafting
    Dark Cleave [Lv40] - Stumpy, Lorang, Crafting
    Gold Cleave [Lv40] - Iron Hog, Stone Golem, Dark Drake, Crafting
    Red Cleave [Lv40] - Crafting
    Blue Moon Gloves [Lv50] - Officer Skeleton, Crafting
    Brown Moon Gloves [Lv50] - Cold Eye, Mummydog, Wraith, Mixed Golem, Wild Kargo, Crafting
    Red Moon Gloves [Lv50] - Red Drake, Crafting
    Bronze Pow [Lv60] - Mummydog, Croco, Crafting
    Steal Pow [Lv60] - Malady, Crafting
    Gold Pow [Lv60] - King Clang, Crafting
    Bronze Rover [Lv70] - Ice Drake
    Silver Rover [Lv70] - Officer Skeleton
    Green Larceny [Lv80] - Tauromacis

    Red/Blue/Black/Green/Brown Ghetto Beanie [Lv10] - Kerning Store
    Red Thief Hood [Lv15] - Ghost Stump
    Red/Blue/Green/Black/Yellow Thief Hood [Lv15] - Kerning Store
    Red Loosecap [Lv20] - Blue Mushroom, Kerning Store
    Blue Loosecap [Lv20] - Iron Hog, Kerning Store
    Green Loosecap [Lv20] - Wooden Mask, Kerning Store
    Brown/Black Loosecap [Lv20] - Kerning Store
    Red Tiberian [Lv25] - Octopus, Kerning Store
    Dark Tiberian [Lv25] - Mano, Kerning Store
    Blue/Green/Brown Tiberian [Lv25] - Kerning Store
    Blue Guise [Lv30] - Lupin, Kerning Store
    Red/Green/Brown/Dark Guise [Lv30] - Kerning Store
    Green Burgler [Lv35] - Blue Mushroom, Fire Boar, Skeledog
    Brown Burgler [Lv35] - Iron Hog
    Dark Burglar [Lv35] - Curse Eye
    Blue Pilfer [Lv40] - Horny Mushroom
    Green Pilfer [Lv40] - Tortie
    Brown Pilfer [Lv40] - Iron Boar
    Dark Pilfer [Lv40] - Stumpy, Zombie Lupin
    Red Sonata [Lv50] - Wraith
    Blue Sonata [Lv50] - Ice Drake, Dark Drake
    Green Sonata [Lv50] - Dark Stone Golem
    Brown Sonata [Lv50] - Croco
    Bronze Identity [Lv60] - Stone Golem, Dark Drake
    Silver Identity [Lv60] - Mixed Golem, Red Drake, Officer Skeleton
    Dark Identity [Lv60] - King Clang, Dark Stone Golem
    Brown Nightfox [Lv70] - Skeleton Soldier
    Purple Nightfox [Lv70] - Tauromacis
    White Nightfox [Lv70] - Taurospear
    Blood Nightfox [Lv70] - Officer Skeleton
    Brown Pireta Hat [Lv80] - Taurospear

    Blue/Brown Gidder Shoes [Lv10] - Kerning Store
    Red Ninja Sandals [Lv15] - Orange Mushroom, Kerning Store
    White/Yellow/Blue Ninja Sandals [Lv15] - Kerning Store
    Black Enamel Boots [Lv20] - Ghost Stump, Kerning Store
    Red/Blue Enamel Boots [Lv20] - Kerning Store
    Blue Enamel Boots [Lv20] - Ghost Stump
    Red Lappy Boots [Lv25] - Dark Axe Stump
    Black Lappy Boots [Lv25] - Mano, Dark Axe Stump, Wooden Mask, Crafting
    Blue/Green Lappy Shoes [Lv25] - Crafting
    Bronze Chain Boots [Lv30] - Lupin
    Iron Chain Boots [Lv30] - Wild Boar, Crafting
    Bronze/Silver/Gold Chain Boots [Lv30] - Crafting
    Red/Green/Blue White-Line Boots [Lv35] - Crafting
    Black Red-Lined Shoes [Lv40] - Stumpy, Crafting
    Black Green-Lined Shoes [Lv40] - Skeledog, Drake, Crafting
    Black Yellow-Lined Shoes [Lv40] - Lupin, Crafting
    Black Blue-Lined Shoes [Lv40] - Crafting
    Blue Goni Shoes [Lv50] - Skeleton Soldier, Crafting
    Red/Green/Purple Goni Shoes [Lv50] - Crafting
    Dark Moss Boots [Lv60] - King Clang, Crafting
    Blood/Gold Moss Boots [Lv60] - Crafting
    Blue Mystique Shoes [Lv70] - Red Drake
    Red Mystique Shoes [Lv70] - Tauromacis
    Green Pirate Boots [Lv80] - Dark Drake, Commander Skeleton

    Garnier [Lv10] - Pig, Kerning Store
    Triangular Zamadar [Lv12] - Stump, Kerning Store
    Field Dagger [Lv15] - Shroom, Blue Mushroom, Kerning Store
    Steel/Mithril/Gold Titans [Lv15] - Crafting
    Triple-Tipped Zamadar [Lv17] - Kerning Store
    Machete [Lv20] - Dark Stump
    Coconut Knife [Lv20] - Jr. Necki, Kerning Store
    Bronze Igor [Lv20] - Dark Axe Stump, Crafting
    Adamantium Igor [Lv20] - Dark Axe Stump, Crafting
    Steel Igor [Lv20] - Crafting
    Stinger [Lv22] - Kerning Store
    Eloon [Lv25] - Lupin
    Iron Dagger [Lv25] - Wooden Mask, Kerning Store
    Meba [Lv25] - Crafting
    Forked Dagger [Lv27] - Kerning Store
    Reef Claw [Lv30] - Kerning Store
    Cass [Lv30] - Kerning Store
    Mithril Guards [Lv30] - Dark Axe Stump, Wild Boar, Crafting
    Steel/Adamantium Guards [Lv30] - Crafting
    Halfmoon Zamadar [Lv32] - Blue Mushroom, Iron Hog
    Gephart [Lv35] - Ligator
    Silver Guardian [Lv35] - Dark Axe Stump, Fire Boar, Copper Drake
    Dark Guardian [Lv35] - Cold Eye, Crafting
    Bronze Guardian [Lv35] - Crafting
    Maple Claw [Lv35] - Zombie Mushroom, Zombie Lupin, Wraith, Tauromacis
    Dragon Toenail [Lv40] - Croco
    Blood Avarice [Lv40] - Zombie Lupin, Crafting
    Adamantium Avarice [Lv40] - Jr. Wraith, Tortie, Crafting
    Dark Avarice [Lv40] - Lupin, Cold Eye, Drake
    Steel Avarice [Lv40] - Crafting
    Maple Wagner [Lv43] - Wild Boar, Zombie Lupin
    Maple Kandayo [Lv43] - Axe Stump, Wild Boar, Fire Boar, Copper Drake
    Shinkita [Lv50] - Zombie Lupin, Faust, Malady
    Sai [Lv50] - Skeledog, Copper Drake, Drake
    Blood Slain [Lv50] - Iron Hog, Crafting
    Sapphire Slain [Lv50] - Malady, Crafting
    Dark Slain [Lv50] - Faust
    Steel Slain [Lv50] - Crafting
    Serpent's Coil [Lv60] - Officer Skeleton
    Blood Gigantic [Lv60] - Wild Kargo, Officer Skeleton, Crafting
    Sapphire Gigantic [Lv60] - Ice Drake, Crafting
    Dark Gigantic [Lv60] - Crafting
    Maple Dark Mate [Lv64] - Skeleton Soldier, Ice Drake
    Maple Skanda [Lv64] - Dyle
    Kandine [Lv70] - Dyle, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Golden River [Lv70] - Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Brown Scarab [Lv70] - Tauromacis, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Black Scarab [Lv70] - Dyle

    Wolbi Throwing-Stars - Fire Boar
    Mokbi Throwing-Stars - Jr. Wraith, Cold Eye, Skeledog, Stone Golem
    Kumbi Throwing-Stars - Fire Boar, Lupin, Drake, Stone Golem
    Tobi Throwing-Stars - Dark Stone Golem, Wild Kargo
    Steely Throwing-Knives - Red Drake, Tauromacis
    Ilbi Throwing-Stars - Mushmom, Zombie Mushmom
    Hwabi Throwing-Stars - Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog
    Snowball - Lupin
    Wooden Top - Dark Axe Stump, Stumpy
    Icicle - Cold Eye

    Green Lagger Halfglove [Lv15] - Bubbling, Ghost Stump, Nautilus Craft
    Brown Leather Armor Gloves [Lv20] - Zombie Mushroom, Nautilus Craft
    Hard Leather Gloves [Lv25] - Mano, Wild Boar, Nautilus Craft
    Brown Jeweled [Lv35] - Lupin, Nautilus Craft
    Brown Barbee [Lv40] - Stumpy, Nautilus Craft
    Brown Royce [Lv50] - Malady, Nautilus Craft
    Black Schult [Lv60] - King Clang, Nautilus Craft
    Black Bisk [Lv70] - Wild Kargo
    Blue Halfgloves [Lv80] - Commander Skeleton

    Brown Rocky Bandana [Lv10] - Shroom, Pig, Nautilus Store
    Brown Lagger Cap [Lv15] - Dark Stump, Blue Mushroom, Nautilus Store
    Brown Double Marine [Lv20] - Blue Mushroom, Dark Axe Stump, Wooden Mask, Nautilus Store
    Brown Pitz Bandana [Lv25] - Mano, Blue Mushroom, Nautilus Store
    White Oceania Cap [Lv30] - Ligator
    Red Misty [Lv40] - Stumpy, Zombie Lupin
    Brown Leather Ocean Hat [Lv50] - Mummydog, Drake
    Purple Cast Linen [Lv60] - King Clang, Ice Drake
    Black Pirate's Bandana [Lv70] - Tauromacis

    Brown Rocky Suit [Lv10] - Red Snail, Orange Mushroom, Nautilus Store
    Brown Cotton Lagger [Lv15] - Ribbon Pig, Stirge, Nautilus Store
    Beige Carribean [Lv20] - Stirge, Nautilus Store
    Brown Turk Gally [Lv25] - Mano, Horny Mushroom, Nautilus Store
    Brown Pollard [Lv30] - Fire Boar, Nautilus Store
    Red Barbay [Lv40] - Stumpy, Copper Drake
    Black Royal Barone [Lv60] - Croco, King Clang
    Red Viska [Lv70] - Dark Drake

    Brown Lagger Slipper [Lv15] - Ribbon Pig, Green Mushroom, Nautilus Store
    Brown Skeedy Sandals [Lv20] - Nautilus Store
    Brown Wooden Krag [Lv25] - Mano
    Brown Locote Shoes [Lv35] - Lorang
    Brown Leather Krag [Lv40] - Stumpy, Lupin
    Brown Double Boots [Lv50] - Tortie, Wraith, Stone Golem
    Black Basile Boots [Lv60] - King Clang, Skeleton Soldier, Mixed Golem

    Steel Knuckler [Lv10] - Slime, Dark Stump, Nautilus Store
    Leather Arms [Lv15] - Octopus, Green Mushroom, Nautilus Craft, Nautilus Store
    Double Tail Knuckler [Lv20] - Jr. Necki, Nautilus Craft, Nautilus Store
    Norman Grip [Lv25] - Evil Eye, Nautilus Craft, Nautilus Store
    Prime Hands [Lv30] - Nautilus Store
    Silver Maiden [Lv35] - Curse Eye, Nautilus Craft
    Neozard [Lv40] - Lorang, Nautilus Craft
    Fury Claw [Lv50] - Clang, Faust, Nautilus Craft
    Psycho Claw [Lv60] - Red Drake
    Beia Crash [Lv70] - Officer Skeleton, Dyle, Taurospear, Jr. Balrog
    Maple Knuckle [Lv35] - Zombie Mushroom
    Maple Golden Claw [Lv64] - Dark Drake

    Pistol [Lv10] - Stump, Ribbon Pig, Nautilus Store
    Dellinger Special [Lv15] - Bubbling, Axe Stump, Nautilus Craft, Nautilus Store
    The Negotiator [Lv20] - Horny Mushroom, Nautilus Craft, Nautilus Store
    Golden Hook [Lv25] - Zombie Mushroom, Nautilus Craft, Nautilus Store
    Cold Mind [Lv30] - Nautilus Craft, Nautilus Store
    Shooting Star [Lv35] - Jr. Wraith
    Lunar Shooter [Lv40] - Curse Eye, Nautilus Craft
    Mr. Rasfelt [Lv50] - Faust, Nautilus Craft
    Burning Hell [Lv60] - Dark Stone Golem
    Abyss Shooter [Lv70] - Dyle, Jr. Balrog
    Maple Gun [Lv35] - Ghost Stump, Stone Golem
    Maple Storm Pistol [Lv43] - Lorang

    Bullet [Lv] - Orange Mushroom, Bubbling, Mano, Horny Mushroom, Wooden Mask
    Split Bullet [Lv] - Wild Boar, Curse Eye
    Mighty Bullet [Lv] - Wraith, Officer Skeleton
    Blaze Capsule [Lv] - Red Drake, Mushmom
    Glaze Capsule [Lv] - Ice Drake, Zombie Mushmom

    Brown/Blue Lolico Armor (M) [Lv10] - Perion Store
    Orange Lolica Armor (F) [Lv10] - Pig, Drake, Perion Store
    Blueberry Lolica Armor (F) [Lv10] - Perion Store
    Steel Corporal (M) [Lv15] - Stirge, Zombie Mushroom, Perion Store
    Brown Corporal (M) [Lv15] - Octopus, Perion Store
    Blue Sergeant (M) [Lv20] - Blue Mushroom, Perion Store
    Red Sergeant (M) [Lv20] - Perion Store
    Green Lamelle (F) [Lv20] - Ligator, Perion Store
    Brown Lamelle (F) [Lv20] - Jr. Necki, Perion Store
    Red Lamelle (F) [Lv20] - Perion Store
    Orihalcon/Silver Master Sergeant (M) [Lv25] - Perion Store
    Dark Master Sergeant (M) [Lv25] - Mano, Perion Store
    Blue Shark (F) [Lv25] - Rocky Mask, Perion Store
    Sky Shark (F) [Lv25] - Rocky Mask, Perion Store
    Red Shark (F) [Lv25] - Mano, Perion Store
    Red Hwarang Shirt (M) [Lv30] - Zombie Mushroom, Evil Eye, Curse Eye, Perion Store
    Green Hwarang Shirt (M) [Lv30] - Zombie Mushroom, Fire Boar, Perion Store
    Yellow Jangoon Armor (M) [Lv40] - Zombie Lupin
    Maroon Jangoon Armor (M) [Lv40] - Stumpy, Wraith, Dark Stone Golem
    Blue Jangoon Armor (M) [Lv40] - Malady
    Red Jangoon Armor (F) [Lv40] - Mummydog
    Brown Jangoon Armor (F) [Lv40] - Ice Drake
    Black Jangoon Armor (F) [Lv40] - Stumpy, Zombie Lupin
    Umber Shouldermail (M) [Lv50] - Drake
    Red Shouldermail (F) [Lv50] - Clang, Wild Kargo
    Dark Shouldermail (F) [Lv50] - Tortie
    Green Orientican (M) [Lv60] - Malady
    Red Orientican (M) [Lv60] - Dark Stone Golem, Ice Drake, Dark Drake
    Blue Orientican (M) [Lv60] - Skeleton Soldier, Mixed Golem, Commander Skeleton
    Dark Orientican (M) [Lv60] - King Clang
    Green Ice Queen (F) [Lv60] - Stone Golem, Ice Drake, Taurospear
    Red Ice Queen (F) [Lv60] - King Clang, Commander Skeleton
    Blue Ice Queen (F) [Lv60] - Tauromacis
    Mithril Platine (M) [Lv70] - Red Drake
    Aqua Platina (F) [Lv70] - Ice Drake, Dark Drake

    Brown/Blue Lolico Pants (M) [Lv10] - Perion Store
    Sophia Pants (F) [Lv10] - Perion Store
    Rookie Pants (F) [Lv10] - Stump, Perion Store
    Steel Corporal Pants (M) [Lv15] - Stirge, Perion Store
    Brown Corporal Pants (M) [Lv15] - Octopus, Perion Store
    Steel Sergeant Kilt (M) [Lv20] - Blue Mushroom, Perion Store
    Red Sergeant Kilt (M) [Lv20] - Perion Store
    Green Ramel Skirt (F) [Lv20] - Ligator, Perion Store
    Brown Ramel Skirt (F) [Lv20] - Jr. Necki, Perion Store
    Red Ramel Skirt (F) [Lv20] - Perion Store
    Orihalcon/Dark/Silver Master Sergeant Kilt (M) [Lv25] - Perion Store
    Blue Shark Skirt (F) [Lv25] - Rocky Mask, Perion Store
    Sky Shark Skirt (F) [Lv25] - Rocky Mask, Perion Store
    Black Martial Arts Pants (M) [Lv30] - Curse Eye, Perion Store
    Red Martial Arts Pants (M) [Lv30] - Zombie Mushroom, Perion Store
    Brown Martial Arts Pants (M) [Lv30] - Fire Boar, Perion Store
    White Martial Arts Pants (M) [Lv30] - Perion Store
    Black Jangoon Pants (M) [Lv40] - Malady
    White Jangoon Pants (M) [Lv40] - Wraith, Dark Stone Golem
    Brown Jangoon Pants (M) [Lv40] - Mummydog
    Red Jangoon Skirt (F) [Lv40] - Ice Drake
    Black Jangoon Skirt (F) [Lv40] - Zombie Lupin
    Umber Shouldermail Pants (M) [Lv50] - Drake
    Red Shouldermail Pants (F) [Lv50] - Clang, Wild Kargo
    Dark Shouldermail Pants (F) [Lv50] - Tortie
    Green Orientican Pants (M) [Lv60] - Malady
    Red Orientican Pants (M) [Lv60] - Dark Stone Golem, Mixed Golem, Ice Drake, Dark Drake
    Blue Orientican Pants (M) [Lv60] - Skeleton Soldier, Mixed Golem, Commander Skeleton
    Green Ice Queen Skirt (F) [Lv60] - Stone Golem, Ice Drake, Taurospear
    Red Ice Queen Skirt (F) [Lv60] - Commander Skeleton
    Blue Ice Queen Skirt (F) [Lv60] - Tauromacis
    Mithril Platine Pants (M) [Lv70] - Red Drake
    Aqua Platina Pants (F) [Lv70] - Ice Drake, Dark Drake

    Steel Fitted Mail (F) [Lv15] - Blue Mushroom, Perion Store
    Blue Kendo Robe (M) [Lv20] - Jr. Necki, Perion Store
    Red Kendo Robe (M) [Lv20] - Horny Mushroom, Perion Store
    White Kendo Robe (M) [Lv20] - Perion Store
    Black Dragon Robe (M) [Lv30] - Perion Store
    Dark Engrit (F) [Lv30] - Jr. Wraith, Perion Store
    Blue Engrit (F) [Lv30] - Evil Eye, Perion Store
    Yellow Engrit (F) [Lv30] - Ligator, Perion Store
    Red Engrit (F) [Lv30] - Perion Store
    White Crusader Chainmail (M) [Lv35] - Evil Eye, Lorang
    Dark Crusader Chainmail (M) [Lv35] - Jr. Wraith, Copper Drake
    Emerald Fitted Mail (F) [Lv35] - Zombie Lupin
    Sapphire Fitted Mail (F) [Lv35] - Lupin
    Blue Battle Lord (M) [Lv80] - Ice Drake

    Juno [Lv10] - Stump, Crafting
    Steel Fingerless Gloves [Lv15] - Horny Mushroom, Crafting
    Venon [Lv20] - Crafting
    White Fingerless Gloves [Lv25] - Mano, Crafting
    Bronze/Steel Missel [Lv30] - Crafting
    Orihalcon Missel [Lv30] - Wooden Mask, Rocky Mask, Crafting
    Steel/Yellow/Dark Briggon [Lv35] - Crafting
    Iron/Adamantium Knuckle [Lv40] - Crafting
    Dark Knuckle [Lv40] - Stumpy, Stone Golem, Crafting
    Steel Brist [Lv50] - Dark Stone Golem, Crafting
    Mithril Brist [Lv50] - Mummydog, Officer Skeleton, Crafting
    Gold Brist [Lv50] - Malady, Crafting
    Bronze Clench [Lv60] - Skeledog, Mummydog
    Dark Clench [Lv60] - King Clang, Wild Kargo, Crafting
    Sapphire Clench [Lv60] - Crafting
    Bronze Husk [Lv70] - Officer Skeleton
    Mithril Husk [Lv70] - Taurospear
    Emerald Emperor [Lv80] - Tauromacis

    Bronze Coif [Lv10] - Orange Mushroom, Perion Store
    Metal/Mithril Coif [Lv10] - Crafting
    Bronze Helmet [Lv12] - Dark Stump, Perion Store
    Steel/Mithril Helmet [Lv12] - Crafting
    Bronze Full Helm [Lv15] - Ribbon Pig, Perion Store
    Steel/Mithril Full Helm [Lv15] - Crafting
    Blue/Yellow Metal Gear [Lv15] - Crafting
    Bronze Football Helmet [Lv20] - Dark Axe Stump, Wild Boar
    Steel/Mithril Footbal Helmet [Lv20] - Crafting
    Bronze Viking Helm [Lv20] - Perion Store
    Mithril Viking Helm [Lv20] - Wooden Mask, Crafting
    Iron Viking Helm [Lv20] - Crafting
    Steel Sharp Helm [Lv22] - Jr. Necki, Perion Store
    Mithril/Gold Sharp Helm [Lv22] - Crafting
    Iron Burgernet Helm [Lv25] - Horny Mushroom, Zombie Mushroom, Perion Store
    Gold Burgernet Helm [Lv25] - Mano, Crafting
    Orihalcon Burgernet Helm [Lv25] - Crafting
    Great Brown Helmet [Lv35] - Curse Eye, Dark Stone Golem
    Great Red Helmet [Lv35] - Evil Eye, Skeledog, Crafting
    Great Blue Helmet [Lv35] - Crafting
    Steel Nordic Helm [Lv40] - Wild Kargo
    Mithril/Gold Nordic Helm [Lv40] - Crafting
    Red Duke [Lv40] - Curse Eye, Clang
    Yellow Duke [Lv40] - Malady
    Gold Nordic Helm [Lv40] - Stumpy, Cold Eye
    Mithril Nordic Helm [Lv40] - Wraith
    Blue Bone Helm [Lv42] - Copper Drake
    Mithril Crusader Helm [Lv50] - Clang, Crafting
    Bronze Crusader Helm [Lv50] - Stone Golem
    Silver Crusader Helm [Lv50] - Crafting
    Old Steel Nordic Helm [Lv55] - Dark Stone Golem, Crafting
    Old Mithril Nordic Helm [Lv55] - Crafting
    Red Oriental Helmet [Lv60] - King Clang, Mixed Golem
    Blue Oriental Helmet [Lv60] - Officer Skeleton
    Silver Planet [Lv70] - Skeleton Soldier
    Mithril Planet [Lv70] - Tauromacis, Taurospear

    Wooden Buckler [Lv10] - Perion Store
    Steel Shield [Lv15] - Octopus, Horny Mushroom, Perion Store
    Red Cross Shield [Lv30] - Stone Golem
    Battle Shield [Lv35] - Axe Stump
    Steel Tower Shield [Lv40] - Ligator, Mushmom
    Mithril Tower Shield [Lv40] - Lupin, Dark Stone Golem, Crafting
    Adamantium Tower Shield [Lv40] - Lorang, Iron Hog, Crafting
    Skull Shield [Lv50] - Tortie, Red Drake
    Wooden Legend Shield [Lv60] - Croco
    Silver Legend Shield [Lv60] - Zombie Mushmom, Crafting
    Adamantium Legend Shield [Lv60] - Officer Skeleton, Crafting
    Steel Ancient Shield [Lv70] - Taurospear
    Silver Ancient Shield [Lv70] - Taurospear, Jr. Balrog
    Gold Ancient Shield [Lv70] - Dark Drake, Snack Bar
    Steel Aquila Shield [Lv80] - Commander Skeleton

    Steel/Bronze Greaves [Lv15] - Perion Store
    Brown High Boots [Lv20] - Stump, Wooden Mask, Perion Store
    Orange High Boots [Lv20] - Ghost Stump, Perion Store
    Blue High Boots [Lv20] - Perion Store
    Mithril War Boots [Lv25] - Blue Mushroom, Perion Store
    Dark War Boots [Lv25] - Mano, Crafting
    Gold War Boots [Lv25] - Ghost Stump, Wooden Mask, Crafting
    Silver War Boots [Lv25] - Crafting
    Mithril Battle Greaves [Lv30] - Wild Boar, Crafting
    Emerald/Silver/Blood Battle Greaves [Lv30] - Crafting
    Steel Trigger [Lv35] - Lorang, Crafting
    Mithril Trigger [Lv35] - Ligator, Crafting
    Dark Trigger [Lv35] - Lorang, Crafting
    Maroon Jangoon Shoes [Lv40] - Stumpy, Skeledog, Iron Boar, Crafting
    Brown/Blue Jangoon Boots [Lv40] - Crafting
    Emerald Hildon Boots [Lv50] - Cold Eye, Skeleton Soldier
    Mithril Hildon Boots [Lv50] - Copper Drake, Crafting
    Orihalcon/Gold Hildon Boots [Lv50] - Crafting
    Orihalcon Camel Boots [Lv60] - Red Drake, Wild Kargo
    Blood Camel Boots [Lv60] - King Clang, Crafting
    Sapphire Camel Boots [Lv60] - Crafting
    Blue Carzen Boots [Lv70] - Wild Kargo
    Red Rivers Boots [Lv80] - Commander Skeleton
    Blue Rivers Boots [Lv80] - Taurospear

    1-Handed Axes
    Battle Axe [Lv15] - Bubbling, Perion Store
    Contra Axe [Lv20] - Axe Stump
    Mithril Axe [Lv25] - Perion Store
    Fireman's Axe [Lv30] - Perion Store
    Dankke [Lv35] - Iron Hog
    Blue Counter [Lv40] - Zombie Mushroom
    Buck [Lv50] - Faust, Taurospear
    Hawkhead [Lv60] - Stone Golem
    Maple Steel Axe [Lv64] - Malady, Mixed Golem
    Mikhail [Lv70] - Dyle, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar

    1-Handed Maces
    Mace [Lv15] - Green Mushroom, Perion Store
    Fusion Mace [Lv25] - Perion Store
    Jacker [Lv40] - Copper Drake
    Knuckle Mace [Lv50] - Iron Hog, Faust
    Maple Havoc Hammer [Lv64] - Dark Stone Golem, Red Drake
    The Judgement [Lv70] - Dyle, Tauromacis, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar

    1-Handed Swords
    Sabre [Lv15] - Perion Store
    Viking Sword [Lv20] - Rocky Mask, Perion Store
    Machete [Lv20] - Dark Stump, Perion Store
    Eloon [Lv25] - Lupin, Perion Store
    Gladius [Lv30] - Perion Store
    Cutlass [Lv35] - Horny Mushroom, Evil Eye
    Jeweled Katar [Lv50] - Copper Drake, Faust
    Neocora [Lv60] - Officer Skeleton
    Red Katana [Lv70] - Dyle, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar

    2-Handed Swords
    Wooden Sword [Lv10] - Red Snail, Axe Stump, Perion Store
    Wooden Samurai Sword [Lv15] - Ribbon Pig, Bubbling
    Broadsword [Lv25] - Perion Store
    Lionheart [Lv35] - Wild Boar
    Lion's Fang [Lv50] - Tortie, Clang, Faust
    Maple Soul Rohen [Lv64] - Mixed Golem
    Doombringer [Lv70] - Dyle, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar

    2-Handed Axes
    Metal Axe [Lv10] - Slime, Perion Store
    Iron Axe [Lv15] - Slime, Green Mushroom, Bubbling, Ghost Stump, Blue Mushroom
    Steel Axe [Lv20] - Ghost Stump, Horny Mushroom, Zombie Mushroom, Perion Store
    Two-Handed Axe [Lv25] - Perion Store
    Blue Axe [Lv30] - Perion Store
    Niam [Lv35] - Jr. Wraith, Cold Eye
    Sabretooth [Lv40] - Wild Boar, Drake
    Maple Dragon Axe [Lv43] - Wild Boar
    The Rising [Lv50] - Clang, Faust
    Maple Demon Axe [Lv64] - Dark Drake
    Chrono [Lv70] - Dyle, Dark Drake, Taurospear, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar

    2-Handed Maces
    Wooden Mallet [Lv10] - Pig, Octopus, Perion Store
    Heavy Mace [Lv15] - Perion Store
    Square Hammer [Lv20] - Perion Store
    Pickaxe [Lv20] - Perion Store
    Monkey Wrench [Lv25] - Perion Store
    Mithril Maul [Lv30] - Evil Eye, Ligator
    Titan [Lv40] - Skeledog
    Maple Doom Singer [Lv43] - Cold Eye, Drake, Tauromacis
    Golden Mole [Lv50] - Faust, Wild Kargo
    Gigantic Sledge [Lv70] - Dyle, Taurospear, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar

    Field Dagger [Lv15] - Shroom, Blue Mushroom, Perion Store
    Coconut Knife [Lv20] - Jr. Necki, Perion Store
    Iron Dagger [Lv25] - Wooden Mask, Perion Store
    Sai [Lv50] - Skeledog, Copper Drake, Drake
    Serpent's Coil [Lv60] - Officer Skeleton
    Golden River [Lv70] - Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar

    Polearm [Lv10] - Dark Stump, Perion Store
    Iron Ball [Lv15] - Perion Store
    Studded Polearm [Lv20] - Perion Store
    Janitor's Mop [Lv25] - Perion Store
    Mithril Polearm [Lv30] - Blue Mushroom, Horny Mushroom, Lorang
    Axe Polearm [Lv35] - Zombie Lupin
    Maple Scorpio [Lv43] - Ligator
    The Nine Dragons [Lv50] - Zombie Lupin, Faust
    Skylar [Lv60] - Wild Kargo, Dark Drake
    The Gold Dragon [Lv70] - Dyle, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar

    Spear [Lv10] - Orange Mushroom, Bubbling, Perion Store
    Fork on a Stick [Lv15] - Slime, Blue Mushroom, Perion Store
    Forked Spear [Lv30] - Evil Eye
    Nakamaki [Lv35] - Zombie Mushroom, Wild Boar, Curse Eye
    Zeco [Lv40] - Green Mushroom, Ligator, Drake
    Maple Impaler [Lv43] - Wild Boar
    Serpent's Tongue [Lv50] - Faust
    Redemption [Lv70] - Dyle, Dark Drake, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar

    Brown/Green Archer Top (M) [Lv10] - Henesys Store
    Green Avelin (F) [Lv10] - Shroom, Evil Eye, Henesys Store
    Yellow Avelin (F) [Lv10] - Dark Stump, Henesys Store
    Silver Leather Hoodwear (M) [Lv15] - Ribbon Pig, Henesys Store
    Green Leather Hoodwear (M) [Lv15] - Henesys Store
    Green Able Armor (F) [Lv15] - Horny Mushroom, Henesys Store
    Yellow Able Armor (F) [Lv15] - Bubbling, Ghost Stump, Henesys Store
    Grey Able Armor (F) [Lv15] - Green Mushroom, Henesys Store
    Brown Hard Leather Top (M) [Lv20] - Henesys Store
    Green Shivermail (F) [Lv20] - Wild Boar, Henesys Store
    Red Shivermail (F) [Lv20] - Blue Mushroom, Henesys Store
    Purple Shivermail (F) [Lv20] - Dark Axe Stump, Wild Boar, Henesys Store
    Blue Bennis Chainmail (M) [Lv25] - Henesys Store
    Green Bennis Chainmail (M) [Lv25] - Green Mushroom, Ligator, Henesys Store
    Black Bennis Chainmail (M) [Lv25] - Mano, Henesys Store
    Green Bennis Chainmail (F) [Lv25] - Evil Eye, Henesys Store
    Red Bennis Chainmail (M) [Lv25] - Mano, Henesys Store
    Blue/Yellow Bennis Chainmail (F) [Lv25] - Henesys Store
    Green/Black/Red Huntress Armor (F) [Lv30] - Henesys Store
    Dark Hunter's Armor (M) [Lv30] - Lupin
    Green/Red/Blue Hunter's Armor (M) [Lv30] - Henesys Store
    Green Legolier (M) [Lv35] - Zombie Lupin
    Dark Legolier (M) [Lv35] - Lupin
    Dark Legolia (F) [Lv35] - Zombie Lupin
    Brown Piette (M) [Lv40] - Wild Boar, Curse Eye, Copper Drake, Red Drake
    Dark Piette (M) [Lv40] - Stumpy, Lorang, Red Drake
    White Piettra (F) [Lv40] - Tortie, Clang
    Brown Piettra (F) [Lv40] - Iron Boar, Mummydog, Clang
    Dark Piettra (F) [Lv40] - Stumpy

    Archer Pants (M) [Lv10] - Henesys Store
    Green Avelin Skirt (F) [Lv10] - Shroom, Henesys Store
    Yellow Avelin Skirt (F) [Lv10] - Dark Stump, Henesys Store
    Green Able Armor Skirt (F) [Lv15] - Horny Mushroom, Dark Axe Stump, Wild Boar, Henesys Store
    Brown Able Skirt (F) [Lv15] - Bubbling, Ghost Stump, Henesys Store
    Grey Able Skirt (F) [Lv15] - Green Mushroom, Henesys Store
    Green Shivermail Skirt (F) [Lv20] - Wild Boar, Henesys Store
    Red Shivermail Skirt (F) [Lv20] - Blue Mushroom, Henesys Store
    Purple Shivermail Skirt (F) [Lv20] - Dark Axe Stump, Henesys Store
    Brown Hard Leather Pants [Lv20] - Pig, Henesys Store
    Bennis Chainpants (M) [Lv25] - Evil Eye
    Green/Black/Red Huntress Pants (F) [Lv30] - Henesys Store
    Green/Red/Blue Hunter's Pants (M) [Lv30] - Henesys Store
    Dark Hunter's Pants (M) [Lv30] - Lupin, Cold Eye
    Green Legolier Pants (M) [Lv35] - Dark Axe Stump, Zombie Lupin
    Dark Legolier Pants (M) [Lv35] - Lupin
    Dark Piette Pants (M) [Lv40] - Lorang, Red Drake
    Brown Piette Pants (M) [Lv40] - Wild Boar, Curse Eye, Copper Drake, Mummydog
    White Piettra Skirt (F) [Lv40] - Tortie
    Brown Piettra Skirt (F) [Lv40] - Iron Boar, Clang

    Red-Lined Kismet (M) [Lv50] - Iron Hog
    Blue-Lined Kismet (M) [Lv50] - Iron Hog, Skeledog
    Blue Tai (M) [Lv60] - Skeleton Soldier, Dark Stone Golem
    Red Tai (M) [Lv60] - King Clang, Wild Kargo
    Blue Linnex (M) [Lv70] - Commander Skeleton
    Green Pris (M) [Lv80] - Taurospear
    Blue Lumati (F) [Lv50] - Drake, Croco, Mixed Golem
    Green Lumati (F) [Lv50] - Croco
    Red Lumati (F) [Lv50] - Malady
    Red Choro (F) [Lv60] - King Clang
    Brown Choro (F) [Lv60] - Ice Drake
    Beige Lineros (F) [Lv70] - Commander Skeleton, Taurospear
    Green Lineros (F) [Lv70] - Tauromacis

    Basic Archer Gloves [Lv15] - Orange Mushroom
    Dark Savata [Lv25] - Ghost Stump, Mano
    Green Marker [Lv30] - Rocky Mask, Ligator
    Mithril Scaler [Lv35] - Jr. Wraith
    Aqua Brace [Lv40] - Iron Boar
    Dark Brace [Lv40] - Stumpy
    Dark Willow [Lv50] - Drake
    Red Willow [Lv50] - Officer Skeleton
    Ocher Garner [Lv60] - Mummydog
    Sephia Garner [Lv60] - Wild Kargo
    Dark Garner [Lv60] - King Clang
    Blue Eyes [Lv70] - Red Drake, Wild Kargo, Officer Skeleton
    Red Cordon [Lv80] - Dark Drake

    Green Winter Hat [Lv10] - Henesys Store
    Brown Winter Hat [Lv10] - Octopus, Green Mushroom, Henesys Store
    Blue Feather Hat [Lv15] - Ghost Stump, Henesys Store
    Red/Green/Black/Brown Feather Cap [Lv15] - Henesys Store
    Blue Robin Hat [Lv20] - Axe Stump, Henesys Store
    Green Robin Hat [Lv20] - Stirge,Henesys Store
    Brown Robin Hat [Lv20] - Wooden Mask, Henesys Store
    Red/Black Robin Hat [Lv20] - Henesys Store
    Red Hunter [Lv25] - Octopus, Henesys Store
    Green Hunter [Lv25] - Zombie Mushroom, Henesys Store
    Black Hunter [Lv25] - Mano, Malady, Henesys Store
    Blue/Brown Hunter [Lv25] - Henesys Store
    Red/Blue/Green/Brown/Dark Hawkeye [Lv30] - Henesys Store
    Dark Pole-Feather Hat [Lv35] - Lupin
    Blue Pole-Feather Hat [Lv35] - Horny Mushroom, Copper Drake
    Red Distinction [Lv40] - Wild Boar, Cold Eye, Wild Kargo
    Green Distinction [Lv40] - Malady
    Brown Distinction [Lv40] - Cold Eye
    Dark Distinction [Lv40] - Stumpy
    Blue Maro [Lv50] - Wraith
    Red Maro [Lv50] - Wraith
    Black Maro [Lv50] - Dark Stone Golem
    White Polyfeather Hat [Lv60] - Mixed Golem, Officer Skeleton
    Black Polyfeather Hat [Lv60] - King Clang
    Beige Patriot [Lv70] - Skeleton Soldier, Tauromacis

    Green Hard Leather Boots [Lv10] - Henesys Store
    Brown Hard Leather Boots [Lv10] - Orange Mushroom, Henesys Store
    Brown Woodsman Boots [Lv15] - Red Snail, Henesys Store
    Blue/Green Woodsman Boots [Lv15] - Henesys Store
    Deer/Rabbit/Bear/Lion Huntertop [Lv20] - Henesys Store
    Red Jack Boots [Lv25] - Mano, Jr. Necki, Crafting
    Brown/Green Jack Boots [Lv25] - Crafting
    Red Hunter Boots [Lv30] - Fire Boar, Crafting
    Blue/Green/Black/Brown Hunter Boots [Lv30] - Crafting
    Red Silky Boots [Lv35] - Fire Boar, Crafting
    Blue/Green Silky Boots [Lv35] - Crafting
    Red Pierre Shoes [Lv40] - Stumpy, Jr. Wraith, Skeledog, Crafting
    Brown Pierre Shoes [Lv40] - Dark Stone Golem, Crafting
    Blue Pierre Shoes [Lv40] - Lorang, Iron Hog, Stone Golem, Crafting
    Yellow Pierre Shoes [Lv40] - Crafting
    Brown Steel-Tip Boots [Lv50] - Skeleton Soldier, Crafting
    Blue Steel-Tip Boots [Lv50] - Tortie, Crafting
    Purple Steel-Tip Boots [Lv50] - Copper Drake, Crafting
    Green Steel-Tipped Boots [Lv50] - Crafting
    Red Gore Boots [Lv60] - King Clang, Crafting
    Green Gore Boots [Lv60] - Mixed Golem, Red Drake, Crafting
    Blue Gore Boots [Lv60] - Crafting
    Dark Elf Shoes [Lv70] - Taurospear
    Blue Wing Boots [Lv80] - Commander Skeleton
    Green Wing Boots [Lv80] - Tauromacis

    War Bow [Lv10] - Henesys Store, Crafting
    Composite Bow [Lv15] - Stump, Green Mushroom, Henesys Store, Crafting
    Hunter's Bow [Lv20] - Zombie Mushroom, Henesys Store, Crafting
    Battle Bow [Lv25] - Jr. Wraith, Henesys Store, Crafting
    Ryden [Lv30] - Stirge, Rocky Mask, Wild Boar, Fire Boar, Lorang, Stone Golem, Crafting
    Eagle Crow [Lv32] - Horny Mushroom, Wild Boar, Cold Eye, Drake, Crafting
    Red Viper [Lv35] - Crafting
    Maple Bow [Lv35] - Wild Boar, Iron Hog, Wild Kargo
    Vaulter 2000 [Lv40] - Drake, Crafting
    Maple Soul Searcher [Lv43] - Wild Boar, Iron Hog, Drake, Red Drake
    Olympus [Lv50] - Faust, Malady
    Asianic Bow [Lv60] - Malady
    Maple Kandiva Bow [Lv64] - Wild Kargo, Officer Skeleton
    Red Hinkel [Lv70] - Tauromacis, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Golden Hinkel [Lv70] - Dyle, Taurospear

    Crossbow [Lv12] - Henesys Store, Crafting
    Battle Crossbow [Lv18] - Green Mushroom, Henesys Store, Crafting
    Balanche [Lv22] - Henesys Store, Crafting
    Mountain Crossbow [Lv28] - Henesys Store, Crafting
    Heckler [Lv38] - Fire Boar, Crafting
    Silver Crow [Lv42] - Zombie Lupin, Crafting
    Maple Crossbow [Lv43] - Malady
    Rower [Lv50] - Zombie Lupin, Faust, Crafting
    Golden Crow [Lv60] - Ice Drake
    Maple Nishada [Lv64] - Stone Golem, Dark Stone Golem, Dark Drake
    Gross Jaeger [Lv70] - Dyle, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar

    Magician Scrolls
    Scroll for Earring for INT 100% - Red Drake, El Moth
    Scroll for Earring for INT 60% - Mano, Rocky Mask, Faust, Red Drake, Mushmom, Commander Skeleton
    Scroll for Earring for INT 10% - Mano, Red Drake
    Scroll for Overall Armor for INT 60% - King Clang
    Scroll for Overall Armor for INT 10% - Faust
    Scroll for Cape for INT 100% - Bubbling
    Scroll for Cape for INT 60% - Mano, Wooden Mask, Stumpy, Faust
    Scroll for Cape for INT 10% - Stumpy, Faust
    Scroll for Wand for Magic Att. 60% - Mano, Skeleton Soldier, Wild Kargo, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Wand for Magic Att. 10% - Mano, Faust
    Scroll for Staff for Magic Att. 60% - Mano, Rocky Mask, Faust, Malady, Skeleton Soldier, Wild Kargo, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Staff for Magic Att. 10% - Skeleton Soldier, Officer Skeleton
    Scroll for Cape for LUK 100% - Pig
    Scroll for Cape for LUK 60% - King Clang
    Scroll for Overall Armor for LUK 60% - Dyle, Commander Skeleton
    Scroll for Wand for Magic Attack 100% - El Moth
    Scroll for Staff for Magic Attack 100% - El Moth

    Warrior Scrolls
    Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT 60% - Zombie Mushroom, Stumpy, Zombie Mushmom, Tauromacis, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT 10% - Octopus, King Clang
    Scroll for One-Handed Axe for ATT 60% - Stumpy, Zombie Mushmom, Tauromacis, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for One-Handed Axe for ATT 10% - Green Mushroom
    Scroll for One-Handed Axe for Accuracy 10% - Mano
    Scroll for One-Handed BW for ATT 60% - Mano, Stumpy, Clang, Wild Kargo, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for One-Handed BW for ATT 10% - Axe Stump
    Scroll for Two-handed Sword for ATT 60% - Mano, Horny Mushroom, Iron Boar, Dark Stone Golem, Dyle, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Two-handed Sword for ATT 10% - Ghost Stump, Blue Mushroom, Stumpy
    Scroll for Two-handed Axe for ATT 60% - Faust, Dark Stone Golem, Zombie Mushmom, Taurospear, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Two-handed Axe for ATT 10% - Horny Mushroom
    Scroll for Two-handed BW for ATT 60% - Mummydog, Dark Stone Golem, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Two-handed BW for ATT 10% - Dark Axe Stump
    Scroll for Spear for ATT 60% - Rocky Mask, Skeledog, Zombie Mushmom, Tauromacis, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Spear for ATT 10% - Zombie Mushroom, Faust
    Scroll for Pole Arm for ATT 60% - Dyle, Zombie Mushmom, Tauromacis, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Pole Arm for ATT 10% - Evil Eye
    Scroll for Pole-Arm for Accuracy 10% - Mano
    Scroll for Cape for STR 60% - Tortie, King Clang
    Scroll for Cape for STR 10% - Mummydog
    Scroll for Topwear for STR 60% - Mano
    Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for One-Handed Axe for ATT 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for One-Handed BW for ATT 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for Two-Handed Sword for ATT 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for Two-Handed Axe for ATT 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for Two-Handed BW for ATT 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for Spear for ATT 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for Pole Arm for ATT 100% - Tulcus

    Thief Scrolls
    Scroll for Dagger for ATT 60% - Jr. Wraith, Lorang, Dyle, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Dagger for ATT 10% - Bubbling, Mano
    Scroll for Claw for ATT 60% - Green Mushroom, Faust, King Clang, Skeleton Soldier, Dyle, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Claw for ATT 10% - Copper Drake, Dyle
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 60% - Ghost Stump, Mano, Mushmom, Dyle
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 10% - Red Snail, Stumpy
    Scroll for Cape for DEX 100% - Slime
    Scroll for Cape for DEX 10% - Green Mushroom
    Scroll for Helmet for DEX 100% - Jr. Wraith
    Scroll for Cape for LUK 100% - Pig
    Scroll for Cape for LUK 60% - King Clang
    Scroll for Overall Armor for LUK 60% - Dyle, Commander Skeleton
    Scroll for Dagger for ATT 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for Claw for ATT 100% - Tulcus

    Bowman Scrolls
    Scroll for Bow for ATT 60% - Stone Golem, Mixed Golem, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Bow for ATT 10% - Curse Eye, Dyle
    Scroll for Crossbow for ATT 60% - Faust, Stone Golem, King Clang, Dyle, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog, Snack Bar
    Scroll for Cape for STR 60% - Tortie, King Clang
    Scroll for Cape for STR 10% - Mummydog
    Scroll for Topwear for STR 60% - Mano
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 60% - Ghost Stump, Mano, Mushmom, Dyle
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 10% - Red Snail, Stumpy
    Scroll for Cape for DEX 100% - Slime
    Scroll for Cape for DEX 10% - Green Mushroom
    Scroll for Helmet for DEX 100% - Jr. Wraith
    Scroll for Bow for ATT 100% - El Moth
    Scroll for Crossbow for ATT 100% - El Moth

    Pirate Scrolls
    Scroll for Knuckler for Attack 60% - Mano, Stirge, Croco, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog
    Scroll for Knuckler for ATT 10% - Ghost Stump, Ligator, Lorang, Faust, Dark Stone Golem
    Scroll for Gun for Attack 60% - Faust, Zombie Mushmom, Jr. Balrog
    Scroll for Gun for ATT 10% - Mano, Curse Eye
    Scroll for Cape for STR 60% - Tortie, King Clang
    Scroll for Cape for STR 10% - Mummydog
    Scroll for Topwear for STR 60% - Mano
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 100% - Tulcus
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 60% - Ghost Stump, Mano, Mushmom, Dyle
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 10% - Red Snail, Stumpy
    Scroll for Cape for DEX 100% - Slime
    Scroll for Cape for DEX 10% - Green Mushroom
    Scroll for Helmet for DEX 100% - Jr. Wraith
    Scroll for Gun for ATT 100% - El Moth
    Scroll for Knuckler for ATT 100% - El Moth

    General Scrolls
    Scroll for Shoes for Jump 60% - King Clang, Mushmom
    Scroll for Shoes for Jump 10% - Orange Mushroom, Skeledog
    Scroll for Shoes for Speed 60% - Faust, King Clang, Mushmom
    Scroll for Gloves for DEX 60% - Ghost Stump, Stumpy, Faust, Mushmom
    Scroll for Gloves for DEX 10% - Dark Stump, King Clang
    Scroll for Gloves for ATT 60% - King Clang, Skeleton Soldier, Mixed Golem, Mushmom, Officer Skeleton, Dyle
    Scroll for Gloves for ATT 10% - Tortie
    Scroll for Shoes for Jump 100% - Tulcus

    HP Scrolls
    Scroll for Shield for HP 10% - Mano
    Scroll for Helmet for HP 60% - King Clang, Mushmom, Dyle
    Scroll for Helmet for HP 10% - Jr. Wraith
    Scroll for Cape for HP 100% - Blue Snail
    Scroll for Cape for HP 60% - Shroom
    Scroll for Cape for HP 10% - Stump, Dyle
    Scroll for Helmet for HP 100% - Tulcus

    Junk Scrolls
    Scroll for Pet Equip. for Speed 100% - Green Mushroom, Bubbling, Horny Mushroom
    Scroll for Pet Equip. for Speed 60% - Green Mushroom, Bubbling, Ghost Stump, Jr. Wraith, King Clang, Zombie Mushmom
    Scroll for Pet Equip. for Speed 10% - Jr. Wraith, Lorang, Dyle
    Scroll for Pet Equip. for Jump 100% - Green Mushroom, Jr. Necki
    Scroll for Pet Equip. for Jump 60% - Stirge, Zombie Mushmom
    Scroll for Pet Equip. for Jump 10% - Lorang
    Scroll for Cape for MP 100% - Red Snail
    Scroll for Cape for MP 60% - Stumpy, Lupin
    Scroll for Cape for Magic Def. 60% - Snail, Blue Snail, Slime, Stumpy, Mushmom, Dyle, Dark Drake
    Scroll for Cape for Magic Def. 10% - Stirge, Horny Mushroom, Ligator, Faust, King Clang
    Scroll for Cape for Weapon Def. 60% - Bubbling, Stumpy, Mushmom, Dark Drake
    Scroll for Shield for DEF 60% - Ghost Stump, Wooden Mask, Stumpy, Faust, Mixed Golem, Red Drake, Mushmom
    Scroll for Shield for DEF 10% - Ribbon Pig, Green Mushroom, Jr. Necki, King Clang
    Scroll for Helmet for DEF 60% - Orange Mushroom, Mano, Cold Eye, Mushmom, Wild Kargo, Ice Drake, Dark Drake
    Scroll for Helmet for DEF 10% - Snail, Mano
    Scroll for Bottomwear for DEF 60% - Mano, Mushmom
    Scroll for Bottomwear for DEF 10% - Slime, Blue Mushroom, Stumpy
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEF 60% - Faust, Mushmom
    Scroll for Overall Armor for DEF 10% - Slime
    Scroll for Topwear for DEF 60% - Mano, Mushmom, Dark Drake
    Scroll for Topwear for DEF 10% - Stump, Mano, Stumpy
    Scroll for Shoes for DEX 60% - Stumpy, Mushmom
    Scroll for Shoes for DEX 10% - Pig, King Clang, Dyle
    Scroll for Helmet for DEF 100% - Tulcus, El Moth
    Scroll for Bottomwear for DEF 100% - Tulcus, El Moth
    Scroll for Shoes for DEX 100% - Tulcus, El Moth
    Scroll for Topwear for DEF 100% - El Moth

    Crafting Items
    Leather - Pig, Ribbon Pig, Wild Boar, Fire Boar, Lupin, Faust, Dyle
    Stiff Feather - Pig, Ribbon Pig, Stirge, Wild Boar, Lupin, Zombie Lupin
    Power Crystal Ore - Wild Boar, Jr. Wraith, Jr. Boogie 1
    Wisdom Crystal Ore - Jr. Boogie 1, Iron Boar
    DEX Crystal Ore - Jr. Boogie 1
    LUK Crystal Ore - Jr. Boogie 1
    Dark Crystal Ore - Jr. Boogie 1, Wraith, Malady, Dark Stone Golem
    Bronze Ore - Snail, Orange Mushroom, Ghost Stump, Mano, Horny Mushroom, Wooden Mask, Stumpy, Skeledog, Croco, Officer Skeleton, Commander Skeleton
    Steel Ore - Blue Snail, Dark Stump, Stirge, Dark Axe Stump, Rocky Mask, Fire Boar, Jr. Boogie 1, Cold Eye, Iron Boar, Wraith
    Mithril Ore - Shroom, Ribbon Pig, Bubbling, Jr. Necki, Zombie Mushroom, Fairy 1, Ligator, Fire Boar, Tortie, Dyle
    Adamantium Ore - Stump, Octopus, Zombie Mushroom, Wild Boar, Jr. Wraith, Iron Hog, Mummydog, Clang, King Clang, Dark Drake, Taurospear
    Silver Ore - Red Snail, Green Mushroom, Ghost Stump, Evil Eye, Fairy 1, Lupin, Skeledog, Drake, Ice Drake
    Orihalcon Ore - Slime, Axe Stump, Rocky Mask, Fairy 1, Curse Eye, Lorang, Cold Eye, Zombie Lupin, Copper Drake, Faust, Skeleton Soldier, Red Drake, Dark Drake
    Gold Ore - Pig, Blue Mushroom, Cold Eye, Drake, Malady, Mixed Golem, Wild Kargo, Ice Drake, Dark Drake, Tauromacis
    Garnet Ore - Snail, Dark Stump, Mano, Stirge, Fire Boar, Jr. Boogie 1, Lorang, Wraith
    Amethyst Ore - Blue Snail, Slime, Ribbon Pig, Wooden Mask, Fairy 1, Stumpy, Zombie Lupin, Tortie, Commander Skeleton
    Aquamarine Ore - Shroom, Octopus, Green Mushroom, Wooden Mask, Fairy 1, Ligator, Clang, Commander Skeleton
    Emerald Ore - Stump, Green Mushroom, Zombie Mushroom, Rocky Mask, Lupin, Mummydog, Officer Skeleton, Dyle
    Opal Ore - Red Snail, Axe Stump, Wild Boar, Fairy 1, Jr. Wraith, Lupin, Croco, Skeleton Soldier
    Sapphire Ore - Slime, Bubbling, Blue Mushroom, Horny Mushroom, Evil Eye, Iron Hog, Faust, King Clang, Ice Drake
    Topaz Ore - Pig, Blue Mushroom, Jr. Necki, Horny Mushroom, Fairy 1, Curse Eye, Mummydog
    Diamond Ore - Orange Mushroom, Dark Stump, Ghost Stump, Dark Axe Stump, Evil Eye, Fire Boar, Skeledog, Iron Boar, Drake, Croco, Red Drake, Ice Drake, Dark Drake, Commander Skeleton
    Black Crystal Ore - Copper Drake, Iron Boar, Stone Golem, Malady, Dark Stone Golem, Mixed Golem, Wild Kargo, Dark Drake, Taurospear
    Black Crystal - Jr. Balrog

    Challenge Variants

    The Sixth Path

    If the base challenge seems too easy, you can add the sixth job path- perma-beginner. Same as the above challenge, but the perma-beginner can go anywhere on Victoria Island and must therefore collect one of each card. There are no gearing requirements since beginner gear more or less maxes out by level 20 anyways.
    If you decide to try this challenge, be aware that you will need to scroll your hat, cape and shield for HP and invest a lot of AP in maxHP in order to survive Jr. Balrog's touch damage, and you'll need a fair bit of DEX to get enough accuracy to hit him, which means your damage will be quite low. Maple Glory Sword will be useful for it's accuracy boost.

    You can also attempt the sixth path after you've already completed the main NostaLegion challenge, using your existing characters to hunt for the gear you need.

    Wide Mode

    If you love a good grind, you may consider doing an extended version of the challenge that includes all twelve job paths.


    No fast travel (taxis/scrolls). If you play this variant, you may enter maps outside of your home region as long as you're just passing through (no fighting).


    If you can find 4 friends who are interested, you can follow all the same restrictions of the base challenge, except each character is controlled by a different player on separate accounts. You can play together and trade items within the group, but you still can't be in the same party.

    If you have an idea for a variant that fits well with this challenge, let me know and I'll add it here.


      • Available gear is not symmetrical across genders, most notably, some level 80 items are only available to a specific gender, so this may slightly impact your decision. You can check the drop lists in the resources section to see.
      • Getting carded for the Lv20 check can be tough- you may need to take a few intentional deaths to get one of each card before Lv21. Sleepywood is the easiest town to go from zero to dead in a matter of seconds no matter where in town you spawn.
      • Some early mobs are easier to farm for cards on Maple island. For example, warrior doesn't have many good orange mushroom spots.
      • Jr. Balrog has 50,000 HP and requires ~140 accuracy to reliably hit with a normal attack. He hits for ~1600 touch and ~2500 ranged.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
  2. pragmasaurus

    pragmasaurus Donator

    Mar 13, 2021
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    I've reached the first checkpoint in the challenge, with all characters carded and geared at level 20. Here's my squad:
    Due to some bad luck on monster cards, I had to take quite a few intentional deaths on a couple of the characters to prevent levelling to 21 too early. I've been enjoying my time in some of the more obscure maps around Lith Harbor, and even caught a botter. I like the feeling of excitement when an item drops, knowing I can put it in storage and eventually use it on the appropriate character. Magician was painful early on, as expected, but I think bowman is going to be the slowest class for grinding until 2nd job. I'll keep pushing on but take a break during Halloween to participate in the events on my other accounts.

    Patze507, MrMikiMiki and blobbyshroom like this.
  3. pragmasaurus

    pragmasaurus Donator

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Now that Halloween is winding down, I've reached the second checkpoint, level 30.


    It's fun to get excited when you see gear drop that you know you'll need for the next checkpoint. Dark axe stumps were a challenge, because the best map for non-warriors is damp forest in sleepywood and there aren't too many spawns. I had to craft boots for the mage, since the only level 30 boot drop was from zombie lupins and I couldn't hit them yet. Looking forward to job advancing and getting some new skills and mastery, especially crossbowman, yeesh. Here's my planned job advancements:

    Magician -> Wizard (Fire/Poison) - I've never made F/P so might as well do it here
    Pirate -> Brawler - The extra HP will come in handy for the balrog fight. And I'm saving gunslinger for the inevitable legoman revival.
    Rogue -> Bandit - Mostly because I'm tired of assassin
    Archer -> Crossbowman - I've never played any of the bowman jobs but iron arrow sounds good. A bit worried about attack speed though.
    Swordman -> Fighter (2H Axe) - Because all warriors are pretty much the same at second job and axes are cool. Hyper body would be nice, but I don't think I'll need it.


    Patze507 and blobbyshroom like this.

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