This bug isn't game ruining, just made my friend salty: (aside) we both made pirates so we could grind and chill together. For 2nd job you are required to use 'Flash Fist', a single mob attack, to collect gems for advancement. I'm partly dyslexic and decided that I've played maple and just understand that i need to kill things, so i just went in 'Somersault Kicking'. It said i was 'missing' but i was killing them, i thought it was a funny glitch. Friend assured me that i am indeed dyslexic and this glitch was because i was cheating. Please no kick, game is fun. Bring back Banghero and fugly1 etc etc. TLDR: somersault kick when not meant to for 2nd job advance, plz no kick. I miss Banghero Edit: just found out zMel still plays, so changed it to fugly1 lol whoops.
I may be gone, but my ideology lives on. Stay woke. And mentioning my name will only guarantee that they aren't gonna care lmao kek