Hi everyone, so it is common knowledge that the sky ski is the ideal end game weapon for dks. However to what extent will they be worth it over lvl 100/110 spear? I'm wondering what att difference there would have to be between the sky ski and a regular lvl 100/110 spear to make up for their slower speed? For example say i have a 110 att ski and 130 att pinaka, will the ski still outperform the pinaka despite having 20 less attack? Thanks
This thread is probably useful for answering your question http://royals.ms/forum/threads/end-game-weapons.15246
The Sky Ski is about 1.065x as fast as regular slow spears on booster (930ms vs 990ms). So easiest way to calculate this would just be to take your total attack with Sky Ski (Spear, Gloves, Cape, Shoes, Attack Potion) and multiply it by 1.065x to get your attack value if you would've had a slow spear. Obviously the Sky Ski benefits more the better the rest of your gear is, and the better attack potions you use. Let's take an example though. 110 att ski + 13 att gloves + 8 att cape + 6 att shoes + 25 att energizer * 1.065 = 172.5 And with above mentioned Pinaka.. 130 att Pinaka + 13 att gloves + 8 att cape + 6 att shoes + 25 att energizer = 182 As you can see here the Pinaka would win by quite a bit on average funds and lower attack potions. Let's compare end game gear: 139 att ski + 20 att glove + 15 att cape + 15 att shoe + 25 att energizer * 1.065 = 227.9 152 att faltizan + 20 att glove + 15 att cape + 15 att shoe + 25 att energizer = 227 Here it's about equal on energizer. The ski would have the advantage on higher attack potions such as Onyx Apple. TL ; DR Slow spears are better with lower funds.