So I have a Lv 125 Bishop (Not funded) 28TMA Shield, 15TMA Ears , 20INT Bathrobe , 18INT bandana , 14TMA red marker. Level 10 Genesis, Level 5 Maple Warrior. 30stats to luk. Where or What is the best way to fund myself so I can progress better. I am also currently making a ice lightning, Level 95 ATM. Please advice, thankyou.
so some of the best/most common ways to make mesos is farming ulu1/ml5, summon farming psycho jacks/voodoos/leps/zombies and selling leech/low level. Summon farming is done by using your bahamut on bishop you stand in the map and re-cast your summon every 2minutes or so this can be done while grinding your i/l. It will not give huge amounts of funds I'm not sure on exactly how much you will make even but i'd say around 10-20m/h this method is mostly viable while you're doing other stuff or if you have many characters to use. Selling leech is the best way to make funds, since you're only level 125 you will not be able to sell the premium locations (skele for bishop) but since you're bishop you can sell low level leech which will make you 80m+/h, you can sell low level leech until you're maybe 140 but the higher level you get your bishop the less exp the leech buyers will get from you so if you only want to sell low level leech try to keep your level at a minimum (kill your bishop before it levels up). Farming ulu1 will be the easiest spot to 1 shot I'm not aware of how much magic you need to 1 shot it but with your current funding you will not be able to do it. Ulu 1 makes around 60-70m/h from just npcing equips and on top of that you can sell godly equips that you get from there. Ml5 is even harder to 1 shot it will take you around 1350 magic with genesis 30 to 1 shot these mobs, they drop helmet for int 60% which are worth around 7-9m other than that you get a full equip inventory in about 40min-1h which is worth around 20m at that spot. If you have any questions regarding the things I've mentioned or anything else just let me know.
1350 matt with gen 30 is already can 1 hit skele and you can sell leech there for 130- 140m/hour. beside a normal compute can handle 2 clients so you should make a lvl 129 bishop with max bahamut to afk farm stopper while selling leech.
selling leech isn't always suitable even if it's the best way to make mesos you have to find buyers and you have to know that you can be at the computer for at least 1 hour, thats why some people farm instead of selling leech.
so true, even thou it said 1 hour, the actual service may prolong 5-30 mins depend on how many time i got interupted. im glad. i have to find a buyers that agree with that and promise them a good amount of exp.
Get a zhelm instead of your dana. If youre not planning on making an attacker class right now, sell your marker and get a noel instead. Higher tma at the same price. Again, if youre not going to make an attacker class, sell bathrobe and get a doro/starlight. I prefer starlight because theyre cheaper and you can get enough luk without much base luk. Plus, it goes well with a pair of 7 int lv 38 shoes. Get a silver dep star. Prices are going down dramatically. Plus thats +5 luk already. Get a krex ring. Reset your base luk into int. Vote for nx and take advantages of events.
If you plan on going the leeching route, its probably much cheaper/easier to fund and sell 150m leech on an i/l than your current bish. Also to maximize damage you might want to distribute your wealth more evenly among your items a 28tma shield (if ms) is gettin close to 2b, a 15tma earring is 50m? A zhelm and depstar is the way to go for cheap stats