Hey, so as a Hero I am wondering for a while on which end game weapon to use, Stonetooth or Carabella - and I could really use your help There are alot of debates calculations and things to consider about the subject, BUT.. anything of what I could read about wasn't really regarding to me as a new player who cant get his hands on anything close to goldy and perfect. My options are pretty much either 120att ST (and 40 base dex) or 122att Carabella with 7-9att fence while not using much heartstoppers (or even at all). Would like for you guys to share your opinions and help me decide on what weapon should I use, at least untill I'll get a lil more funded
Hello there handsome stranger. I would say Stonetooth unless you have 20+ attack shield then using the Carabella is better (giving the Stonetooth and Carabella have the same weapon attack). There are many reasons to this that I'm just too lazy to explain but mostly because of the Weapon multiplier, 2-handed weapon also hit further and the last reason (not confirmed) is 2-handed weapon make weapon attack stat on your equipment to scale better. (for example: 3 attack PGA will give more attack range if you're equipping 2 handed-weapon than 1 handed-weapon, the same thing goes for attack potions)
For the same speed weapons, you can compare ur dps/range by comparing 1h sword: (4*STR+DEX)*total weapon att 2h sword: (4.6*STR+DEX)*total weapon att Ttl wep att means all the att of ur equips and the att potion you will be using. If you would use a 4 speed sword the story would be different cuz the factor of the dps formula depends on how many times you can att per sec. For example, red katana (1h), pyrope sword (1h), and Japanese Map (2h) are of 4 att speed. (Japanese map can be beat by stonetooth easily for the same funding) For an 150-180 hero, I calculated the dps of all sorts of weapons, and if a hero is spending 1.5-5b on sword (and shield), stonetooth is better in terms of dps and how easily you can sell the weapon when you are upgrading ur gears. I haven't calculated it for 120-150 hero and lower funding.
I do not know if I am correct here but a perf 146st would be a better damage when applied with stoppers +60att up potions! Being ht the end game boss now a st is more efficient than a perf ATT shield and perf katana! St hits wider range thus more use in ht bossing and in zaks arms ! I use to have 1hand sword Sparta that's 128att and with 20att maple shield and could not white another hero with only 126att st (I have 21att pgc 22att scg 18att fs at that time) we both using stoppers to hit Thus I believe st is better in Zak and ht while using +60 Att up potions due to different calculation said above! Hope this is clear!
read this thread: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/sword-comparisons.20163/ on the 2nd page neshium posted a spreadsheet that he made where you can put in your stats and gear to compare which would do most dps. Play around with that and you will find out what is the best route for you. edit: the link for his spreadsheet doesn't work on that thread but I've re-uploaded it here: https://ufile.io/b7key