Hi boss, my ign: TH0LaoHei I'm so confused with what happened to me just now. A Few days ago, I set up my hire merchant store which was selling include my 12int YSS(posted price:2,147,483,647), 2 cs , some 30% scrolls and other items, then I closed the game. Since then I didn't log in my account untill today, just now I went to find store banker to retrieve my items and mesos as soon as I got online, but only got my mesos about 1.2b without any left unsold items. I understand there is a 1% daily tax with Fredrick, but I wanna know where is my unsold items in particular my 12int YSS which posted highest price that was impossible to be sold. I supposed it's there any possibility these items gone with the game update in 04/11 or 24/10? Hepl plz! These assets are very significant for a returning players.