Hi Royals, Even though I don't use storage much, I can understand why people need it and therefore I'm all for having one in the FM with the removal of the ~storage feature. While this is an extremely minor inconvenience, I've gotten quite used to using the NPC hotkey to quickly access Fredrick. This is no longer possible because Scrooge has priority and when I click my spacebar I access my storage instead. Is it possible to remove Scrooge's priority, or possibly just swap the position of the NPCs? Thanks, Minjo
Which is exactly the reason I specifically stated that it was a minor inconvenience. Coincidentally, it would also only be a single-time minor inconvenience for a dev to swap the NPCs around. To further clarify, I do nearly all my NPC interactions entirely with the keyboard as it is much faster, considering Maple requires two hands on the keyboard to play.
Works out fine if you time it right. Priority in this case (and all cases) = distance. Just jump and click your NPC chat key, I could do it jumping over the portal. Other than than, I'm just like you, using NPC chat for any NPC interactions.