So... I thought. Royals did this V62/83 Hybrid a while ago and Content is getting... "boring" for me. So would be the V92 Hybrid an option for Royals? i mean. We could have Balrog PQ, Netts PQ and some other nice stuff. Like Legends we could add the Asian Maps and stuff. Would give people more Quests and places to roam.
Team Party Training like we had in LHC. But if we can do that in ToT, that'd be awesome! Training won't be so lonely and boring .
Well... We could already have had Cygnus and stuff.. But the server Owner wants a Prime Jobs only. So they would need to remove Dual Blader, Aran and Cygnus again.
i'm okay with no cygnus cause they cap at 120 anyways, but Aran, Evan, and Dual Blade. i wouldn't say no.
Matt has confirmed multiple times there will be no additional jobs. We do have some content beyond v62/v83 though (Ulu City).
Well... if the Server doesn't "progress" anymore. People will leave for some who do. Because at one point you can't do new stuff on this server anymore. and Matt can stay happy with his 1.5k Playerbasis who have Virtual Machines on with 5 other accounts.
The server chugs out content regularly in addition to events. If people decide this server isn't for them, that is their choice to make, but they won't get catered to as a plea to stay. There is already quite a lot of content. Also the playerbase peaks around 3.2k btw, and most people don't have 5 mules at all, let alone logged in at once. Thats hyperbole.
i know keeping the nostalgia is important in this server but what limits are there to implementing aran and cygnus with heavy rebalancing so that they do not destroy the meta? i left before i got to play aran and cygnus (rip me 2008 december maplesea), but what i heard and seen over the years, from friends, videos, etc. aran: mobber with OP damage that makes NL cry, along with having the HP of warriors, with some pretty long melee range solution: why not just nerf the heck out of the damage and range, so that its a mobber specialist, with damage slightly higher than polearm Drk for mobbing, with a similar reach and single target is weaker than spear Drk cygnus: insane stats at lvl 120, with alternative skills to the traditional classes additional problems: leeching god cuz of that low level solution: why not just make the stats and skills scale the same as the traditional classes? for example, looking at hidden streets info, some skills are lower mastery level with nearly the same specs as the level 30 from the original classes so just remove the bonus AP gained, so that their base stats match the adventurer classes, and the skill caps to be 30 instead of 20, with a slower scaling i know that they only have up to 3rd job, but is it possible to shift up the levels required for job changes, such as 3rd job adv at level 105, and the level cap to be the same at 200? or is this just too much effort/ against the vision that Matt has for the server?
I mean eight years later in this server... and the four adventurer classes are still hardly balanced so I doubt any balancing implementation for new classes will have meaningful impact. That said, I don't think class balance is the reason the admins choose not to release new classes. As was previously mentioned by others, new classes simply don't fit into the identity of this server. I like that the admins have slowly introduced new content that is both post-v83 and pre-BB, like Neo Tokyo. But the bloat of class options was one of the "progress" changes introduced by original MapleStory that really began to destroy the classic experience. There are plenty of well-populated private servers out there, and I'm sure some of them cater to the specific niche you're looking for. And I mean that in the least dismissive way possible, because one of the things that really annoy me is when feedback and other suggestions are tossed away by the community simply by saying "just play elsewhere kek." Personally, I actually return to GMS once or twice a year to try out random classes during burning events lmao.
I hope this server NEVER Adds more classes. But LHC and other content would be cool! But since I started playing again last month( haven’t been on since 2017) a lot of cool stuff has been added! Also please never add the extra two slot option to the items...
I doubt LHC would even be added. That's Post BB iirc, so even if it was added they would need to nerf the hell out of the mob HP as well as von leon