I have two suggestions, please think about that 1) Simple suggestion. Because better skele map is sometimes full now, I suggest buff spawn on second one. Thats all about 1st suggestion. 2)This one is more complicated. Its mainly for non-mage high level characters. For most players, leveling on high levels looks like: Waiting>Kill some BFs/Anegos>Waiting>Repeat. Some players suggesting decrease spawn time for that bosses, but I think its not good idea. Will be better if you hugely increase spawns on ToT maps (mainly on oblivion part). My idea is to make that maps good training spots, where people can level only slightly slower than on BFs/Anegos. For example, if u can level up on BF in 2 hours, in ToT in party of 3 with HS u should level in 2,5 hours. Then people can efficiently get experience not only on bosses. If spawn increase is not enough to do that I suggest one additional thing. Party maps. Like LHC in Big Bang. Of course monsters won't have increased HP and party bonus will be lower (30% for example), but this will force players to exp in parties and will be nice to training instead bosses. What do you think about that.
ToT was quite mobby already in GMS. The later maps in each section tended to be mobbier than the earlier maps in each section.
Not keen on the idea of party maps at all. Outside of PQs, I think people should be able to choose freely between party/solo grinding. Also, given that you need to smega to get members for some PQs, I don't see party maps working on this server - I don't think the population is high enough here, to be honest, especially during certain times of day.
It's something that really ruined the grinding possibilities in gMS by effectively eliminating any alternatives. LHC (Lionheart Castle) had these Party Maps and they were literally the only decent place to train.