Suggestions to minigames and monster book

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Levi0sa, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Levi0sa

    Levi0sa Donator

    Mar 13, 2019
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    While I recently joined this server, I've gotten well into the minigame scene, particularly omok. I have a suggestion that might make omok a bit more enjoyable for all.

    My suggestion is an easy one, and that would be to allow observer slots so other players can watch the omok matches. I think it would be a lot more fun for people waiting to challenge a particular opponent if they could watch the match, and generally be more involved in the game. A few things I think would make this run more smoothly is if the observer had no way to type in the chat for the match. This would allow the people competing to focus more on the game and not read chat from an observer. Secondly, it would prevent someone from telling advice to a player to help someone else win. With that being said, we can't exactly disable whispers so that might still be a problem to address, but if it is a serious game, maybe have a check box to prevent observers from joining.

    Second suggestion!

    With monster cards being a semi-rare drop as it is and monster book being released, I was thinking we can put those two things together! I think a separate NPC with the ability to turn monster cards into a single card for monster book progression might be a fun way to make the item more worthwhile. While you can have enough to make a game set, having EVEN MORE to turn into monster book cards would be a fun addition. Let's say you're a level 100 and you still need to get red snail cards. It'd be pretty tedious to go out and kill a bunch of red snails for their cards. Instead, you could trade in some monster cards to get a red snail card. Rates of exchange from monster card to book progression would vary depending on difficulty, and some monsters shouldn't have this option. But I believe this would be a great way to make a near worthless item have more value in the game, and provide players with another option and path to fill their monster book.

    LMK what you all think! I'd love to see some of these suggestions in the game :)
    ding-ding likes this.

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