IGN: LilxJake Last thing you did: Logged off. Why do you think you got banned?: Megaphoning "you're the cum your mother was supposed to swallow" in response to a super megaphone saying something similar to "lilxjake's mother is a cock sucking whore" by a player whom was harassing me yesterday that I failed to report since I didn't care enough to report, I've forgotten the players in game name by now. What GM banned you (optional): I don't know but I'd like to know if possible I'm not asking for the ban to be lifted. I don't mind living without maple for 3 days even though I was provoked and harassed. But I'm wondering if the other player who was super megaphoning profanities and harassing me was banned as well. seeing as how there must have been a GM online since I wasn't reported for abuse under the forums and I woke up to my account being banned.