I started Royals at around 2015 after my departure from GMS. My activity was on and off, but since mid-2022 I've been staying inactive and never came back since. So I thought now is the time to make this thread, not necessarily as a farewell but instead as a thank you to the whole community. I want to get this out of the way and say I am autistic, and I prefer playing solo. As time goes on I realised Royals is strongly dependent on community and teamwork which is my biggest challenge even to this day. One thing for sure, throughout the journey this community have given me great memories that I regretted playing alone earlier. But despite praising this server and the community, why did I stop? Well, I did some thinking for a while and end up with three main reasons. Firstly I believe due to ASD I hit a brick wall too soon in regards to my own interaction with the community. I feel I can't enjoy the game further if I can't form close friendships. People can chat, laugh, make memes etc, while I somehow just couldn't do them and feeling left out. I want to emphasise this is never the fault of the community, just that I've always been like that. Second, I had a goal which I wasn't able to fulfill back in GMS era, is to completely understand a HT run and eventually host my own run. Well unfortunately I haven't tried hosting runs yet but at least experiencing old school HT again was refreshing and honestly, that was enough for me to end it there. There are some newer contents I haven't got into yet but they're considered bonus and wasn't too interested in trying out. Maybe one day. And finally, the main reason and also the most simple: I'm burnt out in MapleStory as a whole. I played way too long in GMS before and I didn't prefer to do the same with Royals. For example the feeling of grinding a lot of hours in time for slight improvement in gears was a big dejavu from GMS. I would rather play other games or hobbies if I stay too long. Going back to community, there were 2 major guilds I've been to which I really want to thank: 1. Guild (now Rogue) - For helping me become a better Royals player and providing an introduction of actual Royals community, HT runs and many others. 2. Sunny & Cloudy - For continuing to create fun and enjoyable memories together. Would love to continue our journey if I were to come back. Finally, even if I may not be well known in here, I still want to thank everyone for the whole experience. It was a big refresher coming out of the dark from GMS seeing old school MS once more, seeing all the memories I once had during my childhood days just left me loss of words. To see everything once more: KPQ, LPQ, journey from Ant Tunnel to Jr. Balrog, every old quests, and the list would go forever. Even listing few of it was enough for me to feel emotional again. Sure, this server may not be perfect but as long I was enjoying this game throughout then I say it is perfect enough for me. I may login occasionally to check things out, but doesn't mean I'm really back. Maybe once I find my motivation, but until then I will continue to be inactive. - DieWeakling, GiveUpAndDie
I don't know you, honestly, but I wish I did. You sounds like a good guy with some understandable challenges, and it kinda sucks that you can't experience all of this because of your discomforts, issues, challenges or whatever it is that holds you back (not judging, of course). Thank you for being a part of this community, and thank you for being you! I hope whatever it is you do after royals would work out, and you'll be happier and work towards your goals. If you ever feel like talking - don't hesitate to send a message ^_^ Good luck in your future endeavours!