I just wanted to take a minute to unwind and share my joy for this server by thanking all of those who inhabit it. It's rare that I grow an attachment towards a server and hold it in high regards but over the year that I've been here, I've made a lot of bonds and friendships with many people I've never met and to go into a unknown populous inviting strangers with open arms says a lot about the community. Yeah, there's times where I wanna chew you out and even times where I create chaos with the staff, but in the end we're all in it for 1 thing or I should say primarily to socialize with other gamers who share our interest. So what I would like everyone to do is just find someone they know or a stranger they don't and to tell them, "Thanks for everything". Because all of us make up this world so I think we should congratulate ourselves for being open minded and awesome, even when it's hard to. Thanks for everything, everyone!