Hello, It seems that "The Crystal Flask" quest, which is part of "The Long Road" questline (the alternative quest to Zakum's JQ), is broken as it cannot be completed. I'd also like to mention this is the second time I am doing this questline and I was able to complete the quest involving Carson in Magatia. Am I missing something here? Do I need to finish the first stage of Zakum's prequests first? I don't think it has anything to do with this quest though. A fix would be appreciated! Thank you.
Hmm I know guildie completed the entire zak alternative preQ in Nov/Dec on two characters with no problem. so there shouldn't be any issue with the quest it self. Also, what do you mean by second time doing the quest line? You're doing it on a second character? You dropped everything and re-gathered all the items? You've already done the quest before and you want to do it a second time on the same character?
Thanks for the reports, have found the issue. Sorry for the great inconvenience caused by this! This will be fixed in the next patch.