Ok so after days spamming B>Zhelm need hb i finally get a group with HB.. get into zak and I d/c as soon as the boss spawns.. 2nd run Spearman dies and hb runs out I get 1 shot... Days and days later im trying to find a party it seems like people think HB means something else. They're always like yeah got HB but 2 seconds before we start I ask where the spearman HB guy is and then they admit there's no HB after leading me on for an hour... This is aggravating to say the least due to the countless hours ive wasted when I could have just been training to just do zakum myself. Why is it so hard to get a zhelm party with HB? Does everyone experience this? Or do I just have really crappy luck? -end rant- Ok sorry for ranting about this but this is a little insane the amount of people that just like to waste your time.
Here are my two cents why it's so hard to find HB for Zak runs. Party organisers typically would take a Hero over a Dark Knight if they need a melee class for Zak due to the slightly higher damage output of Heroes over DrKs. This is also further compounded due to the fact that amount of Heroes outnumber the DrKs in this server. Assuming that the Zak party did aquire a Dark Knight, most likely the DrK in the Zak party will want to be with the main attacking party so they can get EXP from zak. Very few DrKs are willing to give up their potential EXP gained from Zak if they're going to be a HB mule for the buyers. I have no clue on the reason why some organisers led you on about having HB. Maybe their DrK flaked or maybe they're just being inconsiderate, I don't know.
You could make a Spearman friend and buy your zhelms together or ask him to help you. Alternatively, you can always pay more for your Zhelm if you require HB.
It's basically the 2nd reason. Most Zak organisers will take what they can get and the difference between Drk and Hero during Zak isn't that significant. HT on the other hand..... Most Drks won't give up exp. Unless the attacking party has 4 attackers + 1 bishop, it requires kicking one attacker > inviting the guy who needs hb > hbing that guy > kicking that guy > reinviting the attacker that was kicked. Basically a pain in the ass unless there is a spearman amongst the buyers or only 4 attackers + bishop.
Alot of the higher end drks don't sell zhelms, they just run for exp/books. I can't remember the last time i sold a zhelm \\^o^//
I am also experiencing this, sometimes I find myself spamming b>Zhelm need hb(including smegas) for 40 minutes and no one seems to care, and if I do find there is really no hb like you said.
I feel you.. I've been shouting B>Zhelm last 2 nights and finally get into a pt with HB, when zakum spawn, I manage to see zakum for 2 minutes and dced. Not sure how long should I shout again, and just pray not to DC in the next run.
You don't need to spam in FM about buying helm or send smegas. People won't organize a run , just because you need it. Just go train to gain levels , if you don't feel like leveling without zakum helm, farm valuable scrolls and godly equips or just merch at FM. Eventually zak organizers will smega about close run. You can make some HP equips or wash HP to be able survive without HB. I would suggest you to read few guides about bosses in maple royals. How to avoid d.c. and pay yo the seller. Good luck with your helm
Atleast I know i'm not alone in this!!! All my fellow royalers who need zhelms lets get to the level we can zak and do our own dang run!!!!!
When i reached level 50, i usually stop playing that character, i play other character while waiting for smega from zak organizer. Perhaps making a spearman mule and level it to level50 yourself is a good alternative. You can multi client to hb yourself, and let your pet do the potting for you (assuming you are not magician, else you won't need hb)