Goooooooood day fellow Royallers and staff of MapleRoyals, I want to keep it short and sweet so i get my suggestions across! The Suggestion IF Two HANDED Blunt were ever to be buffed, i would like to suggest to increase their RAW weapon attack of the weapon RATHER THAN increasing the speed or anything like that BECAUSE, this will allow the player to be able to choose 2 COMPLETELY different playstyle : Slow, but hits hard (Blunt Weapons) Fast, but hits less hard (Swords) I do want to see 2 handed blunts get buffed because they realllllyyyy slow and dont really hit hard enough, bottom of the DPS chart and would like to see them buffed on the damage side. What if Attack Speed of TWO HANDED Blunt weapons were buffed instead? what can happen?? Players will now choose the weapon according to the looks and not the GAMEPLAY/ PLAYSTYLE, like picking between 2 gummy bears of different colour that taste the same. Or like having 5 of the same classes but throwing different coloured stars Wrap Up TWO Handed Blunt Weapons Buffed : Weapon Attack increase (EDITTED) : Removed Axe as its already been buffed. Left with 2HBW Note : BW Paladins are left with one option and that is to only choose Crushed Skull. Thank you everyone for reading, and please comment and tell us what do you think!
axe heroes already received a buff in axe mastery and atk speed on 2h axes making them competitive to sword heroes 2h bw are still slow and hit hard if thats what you like, paladins get their buff in elemental damage towards bosses you can read more about that here:
Thanks Tim! i just saw the chart and was wondering how would 2HBW would fair in the new situation DPS chart because its not in there.
Please forgive me if im wrong, Crushed Skull is 8 WA higher than Dragon Flame (Two-Handed BW), Crushed Skull hits faster. and with the shield, crushed skull basically hits as hard as Dragon Flame or even more and faster.
Ive read something that Matt said about it not beeing possible to increase ATT like that on weapons, it has something to do with coding. However weapon speed is able to be changed, and making 2h blunts just 1 step faster would solce the issue i think so that they ATLEAST with booster/SI can reach speed 2 But all in all i agree on 2h BWs needing a small buff
I wonder if it's possible to change the damage formula of 2H BWs? Right now it's STRX4.8 when slashing and STRX3.4 when slashing (2h swords are x4.6 in both) You can buff it to something like STRX5.2 at max and STRX3.8 at min. This will allow you to hit some really high damage at the cost of being slow As for increasing the weapon ATk itself it will be rather troublesome since there are many existing 2h BWS and it will be a big problem to check all of them to change their attack
I felt buffing the damage and keeping it slow will be really nice like mentioned in this post. But whichever way they are going to buff it, i support it, AS LONG AS ITS BUFFED( which it needs to be ) XD
I think the only reason axe speed and mastery was changed was because of how it works with Brandish (forced 1:1 slash stab ratio) 2H axe was in a uniquely bad situation relative to swords because of the way the skill brandish works. I'm guessing that since 2hBW doesn't have that forced mechanic, they're okay with the current balance (difficult to say personally without seeing the actually numbers they used for calculations though)
The current balance for 2H BW is also currently in a bad situation. No one wields it for a reason, the amount of DPS you lose out is just too much.
How much is too much? Have you calculated the difference, and how it compares to the difference between axes and swords for heroes? Again, without hard numbers there's no way to say one way or the other that a change is necessary.
Oh i didnt meant in comparison to Heroes Axe VS Sword, i meant 1hBw, swords..etc. You dont agree that 2hbw needs a small buff?
The damage multiplier of 2HBW is higher than of 1BW as Tim stated, so the overall attack damage on the weapon is similar. I do agree however that they should buff the overall damage of both weapons, as they're currently the lowest DPS of all bossing classes. Increasing the attack speed to (6) might be a solution but this would contradict the whole playstyle of a Paladin. Heroes and DKs just do so much more damage than a Pally even if equally funded, the only up-side is that Pallies have Total Crash, which has a high cool-down, perhaps reduce the cooldown on this and Increase the mastery in Blunt Weapons?
I wouldn't mind 2hbw getting a buff, but I'd like to see some numbers that suggest that it's actually necessary. Just like axes are still worse than swords, 2HBW is worse than other options. The question is, how big is the difference, and is it big enough to merit intervention.
The damage formula for 2h swords is STRX4.6 (for both stab and slash) while 2h BWs got STRX4.8 when slashing (you slash 60% of the time) while STRX3.4 when stabbing (40% of the time) Counting it you get STRX4.24 on average which is around 92% of the damage swords do. Now in terms of speed if you compare 2h BWs to claymore they are around 8% slower, while compared to stonetooth it's about 15% slower (the speed of blast with a slow weapon is 0.81 seconds, 0.75 with a normal speed weapon and 0.69 with a fast (5) one) So combining the slow speed and lower average damage, 2h BWs will only deal around 80% of the damage of stone-tooth or less Losing 20% of your damage is very significant and in terms of attack gear it means that a paladin with 20 atk glove/cape/shoe and a perfect 2h BW will be on par with a below average stonetooth user with stuff like 6 atk fs/pgc, 13 atk scg, 125 atk ST and so on when bossing.
Thank you so much, Ayane for doing all these calculations so that other players can see the truth. /\ much respect. really really appreciate it <3
Increasing mastery of BWs like they did with axes would solve some of the issues yes. but yeah something for 2h BWs would be nice.... dosnt have to be much.... just make em viable
Unfortunately, can't tweak mastery without also impacting dps for 1HBW, and I'm sure they don't want to upset the balance between 1hBW and sword. I'd love for there to be at least one normal speed 2hbw that isn't a morningstar if nothing else...