All Your Character Names: Unsure, it's been a long while since I've been on Last thing you did: Same as above, but possibly losing my mind grinding at wolf spiders or gs2? Why do you think you got banned?: No idea Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional): Unsure
Hello, Would you happen to remember your Account Name? If so, I can PM you for that and we can continue the Appeal from there. Do not post your Account Name here, as this is a public forum.
The IGN on your profile has been permanently banned for hacking. You can still comment on this ticket despite the "Closed" thread prefix.
I accidentally just opened a duplicate support thread, not having seen this one. Can I bump a closed thread? I'd like to appeal the ban. I certainly never hacked this game, I have no idea why that's the ban reason. I'd like to start a new character, but ideally I'd do so under the same account with access to wherever my old characters are. Is it possible?