Edit by Dave: please do not reveal your personal information to the public Note: Hi there, I haven't logged on in a couple years. My main was lucky punch, she was a buccaneer, maybe around level 70? I'd be happy to answer any questions to help get my account back. Thank you
Please follow the instructions clearly instead of revealing your personal information https://royals.ms/forum/threads/lost-email-or-username.154999/
No one responded to my other one that I posted, when I did follow the instructions. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/thi...en-deleted-or-blocked-from-connection.221790/
Only Admins can access to that section, so it would take some time for your request to be processed However, when you revealed openly the personal info that are meant for account verification, you are risking the chance of others impersonating you for the account you wish to recover Hence, please do not reveal anymore account information at other sections except the intended (Support Request)