Tip for reporting area boss(BF, Anego) KS

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by sparky95, Oct 29, 2017.

  1. sparky95

    sparky95 Donator

    Sep 21, 2016
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    I wrote this as a reply to the thread which was made recently on general discussion concerning a BF KS incident but I realized thread got closed after I finished typing ㅡㅅㅡ....

    If you have experienced KS, take this as a good/expensive lesson. You will encounter mean, ignorant people all the time not because you have done anything wrong but just the way they have no conscience.

    Only way to protect yourself in the future is to to learn the T&C. Go and check the new KS report format posted by TimK.

    My personal advice
    For tough area bosses such as BigFoot, you should always prepare a recording application in case someone attempts to KS you. (It's difficult to type while running away from 12k touch dmg monster that will likely 1hit you, let alone taking screenshots)

    When someone starts KSing you without permission, start recording immediately. Then show a time stamp with either ~servertime or ~mapowner command. (However ~mapowner command can only be used once 30 sec so servertime will be more convenient).

    Use ~mapowner command and show that you own the map. (Try to register this command in one of your skill macro so you won't have to type it out)

    Ask him/her to leave the map as you have mapownership and his/her actions are against the T&C of royals. DO NOT JUST TYPE CC. (hope you have asian fingers typing all this out quickly while survivng from the BF~f1)

    Assuming KSer ignored your request or replied no, keep recording and make sure you maintain the mapownership (by hitting any mob in the map) throughout this happening so KSer doesn't come up with the excuse of "I got mapownership now".

    Now you can take all the evidence, whether it be a video or multiple screenshots, goto [report abuse] section of forum and report the KSer and get him/her banned.

    PS: if you are not recording, screenshots must be taken after every action I mentioned
    Bean, LilNoddy and Stan like this.

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